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You stood on the red carpet posing for photos when Jamie came over and hugged you.

"You look beautiful," he said as he kissed your cheek gently.

"And you're looking very handsome," you said as he stood beside you for some photos.

"Did you know Joseph has been staring over at you since you stepped onto this carpet?" He asked and you shook your head.

You turned to see Joseph standing a small distance away staring at you. You smiled before sticking your tongue out and flipping him the bird.

He laughed before doing the same back and making his way over.

"I shall leave you lovebirds to it. Remember to make your first child Jamie" he said as he walked away.

"Joseph," you said as he walked over. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a tight hug.

"Joseph you look so handsome," you said as you adjusted his tie slightly as he smiled down at you.

"You said I'd look good in black"

"I was correct"

"But you Y/N look breathtaking," he said and you smiled at him gently as you placed a hand on his chest gently.

"You look better in black than I do," you said and he shook his head.

"No way. Black is your colour" he said and you laughed as his arms tightened around your waist.

"I think we are the best-dressed pair," you said smiling at him, forgetting people are taking hundreds of pictures of you both.

"Oh yeah?"

"With you looking all handsome in that suit of yours it's hard for them to beat you," you said as he touched his cheek gently.

"It's okay, I think they've forgotten about everyone on this carpet apart from me and you. Especially in our matching black", he said as he reached up and held onto your hand.

"You're not too cold are you?" He asked and you shook your head.

"I'm not but thank you darling"

You and Joseph posed for some pictures before you moved on to some interviews.

"Hello Y/N and Joseph! You both look fantastic! You're the hottest couple on his carpet tonight!" The interviewer said as you and Joseph stood there together, one of his hands on your side.

"Aww thank you. I've been telling Joseph he looks good in black" you said and he laughed.

"You two are known for often matching when it comes to red carpets so how did you plan for this one?"

"We didn't, to be honest. Y/N came with me to a fitting and helped me pick out an outfit for tonight so I guess Y/N is the one that matched with me" Joseph said and you shook your head.

"In my defence, I didn't know what colour my dress was going to be. I found out tonight when it came" you said.

"Are you guys staring in anything new anytime soon?" The interview asked and you smiled.

"As far as I am aware we aren't but Joseph likes to keep his roles hidden from me so I often find out when everyone else does," you said and he laughed.

"There may be something in the woodwork but it's too soon to reveal anything," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"A lot of people are wanting you both to work together in a historic romantic show or film, what do you think of that?"

"I think people just want to see me and Joseph get married. I see the tweets and TikTok's about us" you said as Joseph pressed a kiss on your forehead.

"Is that the ultimate goal for you both?" She asked and you look at each other.

"I'd be the luckiest girl in the world to marry Joseph. He'll make someone very happy" you said as you wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest.

"If she stops flipping me the bird and lets me propose you never know," he said and you laughed.

"Thank you very much," the interviewer said and you both smiled as you walked away.

"Y/N, they want some more pictures of you," your manager said and you nodded. You and Joseph walked to the photo area and he stood off to the side whilst you took some more photos.

You looked over at him and flipped him the bird and stuck your tongue out, making him laugh. He did the same which made you laugh.

"Joseph! Get in" one of the photographers shouted and he walked over to you.

You smiled up at him as he grabbed your waist and pulled you against his chest as he smiled down at you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead as the cameras started flashing.

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