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You sat at your usual table as you waited for him to arrive. The chair in front of you scraped as it moved a figure sat down in front of you.

"Hello again," he said as he sat down in front of you. You looked and smiled at him.

"Hello you"

"How have you been since our last encounter?" he asked and you thought for a second before answering.

"I got my promotion that we spoke about and I finally tried that new coffee place. What about you?"

"I read that book you recommended, I enjoyed it. I've continued to hunt for you and still can't find you" he said as he leaned across the table and took hold of your hand.

"You are the one who didn't want to exchange names," you said and he nodded.

"I want to learn your name when we meet. I just want to find you"

"We will find each other," you said as you gently stroked his hand. He smiled up at you lovingly.

"I hope so. I will go insane if I can only see and meet you here" he said and you nodded.

"I feel like I am seeing you everywhere," you said and he chuckled.

"I know how you feel. I have to double take everyone that even remotely looks like you" he said as he gently stroked your cheek. You leaned into his touch and he smiled.

The grandfather clock in the corner began to chime. You looked at each other sadly as you stood up.

"Until we meet again," he said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Until we meet again darling," you said and grinned.

You opened your eyes and sighed as you sat upright. You looked around the room before flopping back.

You slowly peeled yourself out of bed and began getting ready and making your way to work.

You stepped off the train and walked into the offices and up to the set. You smiled at everyone as you set your bag down and put on your headset. You began walking around and ensuring the set was correct as more people began to appear.

"What's happening?" you called out and everyone stopped.

"They changed it last minute. We have 2 guests instead of 1" your assistant said and you nodded.

"Someone get me an additional chair and camera. I will go and get another mic. Update hair and makeup" you said and everyone nodded as you walked out of the room.

You ran down the stairs and past a group of people.

"HEY WAIT!" you heard someone shout but you didn't stop as you flew through a door and Tony spun around and stared at you shocked.

"You trying to take my door off?!" he cried as you walked over to him.

"I can try again if you'd like?" you asked and he shook his head.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now