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"Eddie I really need to go now," you said as you looked down at him. He had his arms wrapped around your waist and his head resting on your chest as he laid between your legs.

"But cuddles" he mumbled, tightening his grip around your waist.

"I need to go Eds," you said as you tried to move but his grip got even tighter.

"Or you could stay the night and we can have even more cuddles," he said as he snuggled into your stomach even more.

"I mean technically you're getting all those cuddles," you said as you played with his hair and he looked up at you shocked.

"I can give you all the cuddles you could ever want," he said as he moved his body to hover above you, his arms on either side of your head.

"I still need to be going home"

"Just tell your mum that you're staying here with me," he said as he kissed your jaw.

"You really aren't going to let me go home are you?"

"Nope. I want kisses and cuddles and if you leave I get none of them" he said as he looked at you, grinning.

He leant down and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you deeply.

"Fine, I'll stay!" you said and he cheered as you rolled your eyes.

"That's what I like to hear handsome," he said as he kissed you again.

"I need to phone my mum now though," you said and he jumped up, pulling you towards the phone in the lounge.

You picked up the phone and dialled your home number and waited as Eddie planted kisses along your neck.

"Hello Y/L/N home"

"Hey Mum it's me"

"Hey sweetie, where are you ?"

"I'm with Eddie"

"And he's taking good care of you?"

"I'm taking good care of him Mrs Y/L/N don't worry!" Eddie said loudly so she'd hear.

"I'm going to stay here tonight if that's okay?" you asked as she laughed, Eddie, hugging you tightly from behind.

"That's fine sweetie. Is he going to bring you home tomorrow?"

"I will bring him home tomorrow Mrs Y/L/N," Eddie said and your mum laughed.

"Have fun but don't have too much fun! Night sweetie! Night Eddie!" your mum said before putting down the phone.

Eddie turned you around and pressed you against the wall as he smiled down at you.

"You're all mine all night," he said as he leaned down and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around your waist.

"I'm still expecting cuddles," you said and Eddie laughed.

He grinned at you mischievously before throwing you over his shoulder and running back to his bedroom.

"Cuddles it is," he said as he dropped you on the bed and laid down beside you.

"I'm not opposed to kisses too"

"That can be arranged" he grinned before pulling you closer and kissing you deeply.

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