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"Paul you are to marry Princess Y/N from England at once and it is final. She is next to take the throne and you will marry her at once!" Catherine demanded as you stood beside her throne as Paul stood in front of you both. You looked down at your hands uncomfortably, you looked up and made eye contact with Paul who looked at you sadly.

"Y/N, go with Paul," she said and you bowed as you walked down to meet Paul. You walked out beside Paul, no words being exchanged. You walked out to the gardens and stood there, admiring the flowers before Paul finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly and you looked at him.


"I'm sorry you're being forced into marrying me," he said and you laughed as you looked at him.

"Oh Paul I think it's the other way round quite honestly," you said and he looked at you confused.

"The other way round?"

"I asked to marry you," you said as you reached out and touched one of the roses gently.

"You asked to marry me?"

You turned to look at him before taking hold of his hands in your own.

"Paul. I am the Princess of England. I am to take the throne in England any day now. I need to have someone by my side when I do so. And we both know each other quite well. I have been quite selfish and I've asked to have you by my side instead of someone I do not know. And I am very sorry" you explained, looking at him sadly.

"You did ask to marry me," he said in disbelief and you laughed.

"I did. It was quite shocking to your mother if you can call her that. But as a woman with a lot of power, I am allowed to ask for things" you said as you walked together hand-in-hand through the garden.

"I will do my best to make you happy when you take my side. But I understand if you do not wish to marry me" you said and he laughed.

"I think I got rather quite lucky. I've wanted to marry you since we were children. I was worried I'd have to watch you marry some insufferable man and watch you be miserable for the rest of our lives" he said as he spun you around in circles as you laughed.

"Instead I get to marry you. My own insufferable man" you said as he pulled you in for a hug.

"And my unbearable woman," he said as you both laughed.

"I guess I must get to planning a wedding. A Russian man and an English woman. Who would have thought we'd get along, let alone get married" you said as you rested your forehead against his.

"I just hope I can be a good husband," he said worriedly.

"Paul. You'll be a fantastic husband. But there is no way I am giving your mother any of our children" you said and he nodded.

"Once we move to England, she won't be able to touch us"

"Let's plan this wedding," you said as you walked into the palace hand-in-hand.

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