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He sat there in disbelief as he read the letter in front of him

You had invited him to tea.

After the awkward encounter, you wanted him round for tea.

He put in his coat before making his way over to your house.

He hesitated outside of your door before knocking. You opened the door and smiled at him before inviting him inside.

"I am glad you came! I was worried you wouldn't come" you said as you took his coat and hat from him. You hung them up and made your way into the drawing-room, him close behind you.

You both sat down, him across from you. You poured out the tea and he slowly sipped from the cup.

"Thank you for coming. I do appreciate you accepting my invite at such short notice" you said, offering him biscuits.

"How could I turn down an invite from you?" He said and you chuckled.

"Leonard you are too sweet," you said, sipping from your tea as you looked at him.

"You are too kind Y/N," he said and you laughed.

"I would like you to accompany me to a concert tonight. I know it is short notice" he drifted off, not properly ending his sentence.

You reached over the table and took ahold of his hands and smiled up at him.

"I would love to accompany you tonight"

"Then it is settled. I shall meet you tonight and escort you to the concert"

"Escort me? "I cannot have you walking by yourself," he said and you laughed.

"I hope the concert is not the last time we shall see each other," you said as you sipped your tea.

"I shall not let it," he said and you smiled at him.

"Good. I would be much disappointed"

"I do like the colour of your dress today," he said and you blushed. You looked down at the pale purple fabric you wore.

"Well thank you very much, Leonard. I'm glad you like it" you said and he smiled at you.

"I must go"

"So soon?"

"I must sort some things out tonight before the concert," he said as he stood up.

"I shall show you out then" You walked him to the door and pulled him into an embrace at the door. He hesitated before hugging you back tightly.

"I look forward to tonight," you said as you opened the door and smiled at him as he walked out.

He turned, tipped his hat in your direction and began to walk away.

You closed the door and ran upstairs to pick out a dress.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now