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"EDWARD MUNSON!" you cried as you stood in the doorway to his bedroom with your hands on your hips.

He looked up at you shocked before smiling at you.

"My love! I was expecting you" he said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned in to kiss you but you turned so he kissed your cheek instead.

"Baby what's wrong?" he asked as he cupped your cheek, looking at you concerned.

"You aren't going to hide it from me Mr"

"Hide what?"

"You know what Munson"

He sighed before walking back over to his bed and picking up the small black kitten on his bed. He grinned at you as you walked behind him and sat down next to him.

"When did you get a cat?"

"Today. I found him in a box behind the bar we play at and couldn't leave him there" Eddie said as he gently stroked the kitten's head.

"Of course, the Eddie Munson has a black cat," you said as you gently stroked the kitten's head.

"You aren't mad?"

"I wasn't mad. You trying to hide it from me wasn't a good idea but he's super cute" you said as you took the kitten from Eddie and kissed his head gently, much to Eddie's dismay.

"Have you washed him?" you asked and Eddie shook his head. You took the kitten to the kitchen and began to wash the kitten in the sink.

"Since you have no cat stuff grab me your shampoo quick," you said as Eddie ran to the bathroom and came running back with shampoo and a towel.

Eddie stood there watching as you cooed at the kitten as you gently washed the small creature in the sink.

"He's so cute Eddie, what are you going to call him?" you asked as you gently dried the kitten in the towel before gently hugging it.

"Attention thief since he wants to steal all your attention" he muttered and you laughed as you set the kitten down on the floor and walked over to him.

You wrapped your arms around Eddie's neck and looked up at him.

"Eddie Munson are you jealous of a kitten?"

"No, that would be silly," he said as you wrapped his arms around your waist but refused to meet your eyes.

"My baby will you look at me?" you asked as his cheeks turned red at the name. He looked at you sheepishly.

"He's a cat Eddie, and you're my boyfriend. My very wonderful, handsome boyfriend" you said as you cupped his face and smiled at him.

"Go on"

"He's very sweet and kind. He gives the most amazing cuddles and hugs. He is very handsome and he plays in a band which is super hot" you said as his cheeks turned redder and he grinned at you.

"I happen to love him very much as well so can you make sure to tell him for me," you said as you kissed his cheek and walked back into his bedroom.

He ran behind you and tackled you to the bed causing you to laugh loudly. He hovered above you as he peppered your face with kisses, making you giggle.

"Eddie stop!"

"Never, I am never going to stop. You are stuck with me forever" he said before leaning down and kissing you.

"Well, I for one am glad then that I'm stuck with you. I don't want anyone else" you said as you leaned back up and kissed him deeply.

Eddie suddenly pulled away to see the kitten playing with his hair.

"Oh you have to be kidding me," he said as he picked up the kitten and placed it on the floor.

"Got yourself a little terror there Eds"

"I'm starting to regret bringing him home"


"He stole my girl and now he's pulling my hair so I can't kiss you, sweetheart," he said, fed up. You chuckled before climbing on Eddie's lap as he grinned at you.

"He's a mini you," you said as you kissed along his jaw, making his head spin.

"I like to think I'm better than a cat"

"You are better than a cat don't worry my love"

"I better be sweetheart"

"Why don't you put mini terror outside and you can show me how much better than a cat you are?" you teased and Eddie grinned at you.

"I can do that hot stuff"

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now