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Thank you so much for 161K reads!

I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments from you all ❤️

I have closed my requests and they will be published shortly so please bear with me if you've requested something! It will come out, it might take time ❤️

It is just me writing these and publishing them and I do work as well (I work a lot) so things aren't coming to be coming out super quick. A lot of the things I'm publishing I wrote 2-3 weeks ago!

Much love,

S x


"There is a man at the door demanding to see you"

You sighed before standing from your desk and making your way down the stairs.

"At this ungodly hour it better be important," you said as you opened the door and a small boy standing at the door.

You lowered yourself to his level before smiling at him.

"I am sorry, what is wrong?"

"I have been sent from The Three Cripples. They wish for you to come down immediately" he said and you nodded. You grabbed your coat before walking beside the young boy.

You pushed the doors open and everyone turned to look at you. You sighed before walking towards the back where you knew he'd be.

"ARTHUR HAVISHAM" you called loudly and his entire body froze as he looked up at you scared.


"Arthur I do not wish to be called at this hour to collect you from here time and time again," you said as you walked over to him. You picked up his drink and drank the rest before taking his hand.

"Come, Arthur," you said and he nodded as he stood up and threw his arm around your shoulder.

"I am sorry," he said as you walked outside together.

"I would much rather you come to drink me out of house and home than you do it down here," you said and he nodded.

"I should listen to you. I should stop drinking"

"You should stop drinking. But I know that unlikely" you said as he took hold of your hands and spun you in a circle.

"Arthur stop it!" you giggled as he spun you again before pulling you in for a hug.

"I am sorry Y/N. You don't want to be coming to collect me at silly o'clock in the morning" he said and you nodded.

"You are correct. I do not want to be collecting you but I would rather collect you than you attempt to stagger home before falling asleep at my front door" you said and he laughed as he held you tightly.

"Thank you for always coming and collecting me," he said as he rested his forehead against yours.

"I promised I would look after you always Arthur"

"And I promised I would always look after you too"

"And we shall both keep our promises to not fret"

"Let's get you home and into bed and then you will have to accompany me shopping tomorrow," you said and he groaned before throwing his head back.

"Not shopping"

"I need a new dress"

"Not a new dress. They take the longest"

"I shall treat you to lunch afterwards"

"Oh, now you have a deal," he said and you laughed as you continued to walk back to your home, Arthur stuck to you like glue.

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