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You stood at the gate awaiting your boyfriend's arrival

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You stood at the gate awaiting your boyfriend's arrival. You looked around waiting to see the head of curls coming your way.

"Flight 15230 has now arrived"

You grinned as you noticed people slowly walking out, looking around the airport waiting.

There he was. The head of curls and the sunglasses on the top of his head. You saw the curls and sunglasses first before seeing the rest of him. Then he appeared. You grinned as he looked around before making eye contact with you and a grin breaking out on his face.

You took off and began running towards him. He let go of his suitcase as you jumped into his arms. He spun you around, holding you tightly.

"Hello, sweetheart," he said as you giggled in his arms. You leant back before kissing him gently.

"Hello, my love," you said, his eyes sparkling as he looked into your eyes.

He put you down before pulling you into another hug. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he held you close.

"Oh I missed you so much," he said, holding you tightly.

"I missed you more"

He stood there for a second before cupping your face and kissing you gently. He rested his forehead against yours before kissing you a few more times.

He grabbed his suitcase and your hand as you walked out of the airport together.

"So I may or may not have already prepared dinner," you said as you walked over to your car and put Joe's bags and cases in the boot.

"You already have dinner done?" he asked and you nodded. He ran around the car and picked you up, spinning.

"What is it?"

"What is what?" you asked as he set you down and you both climbed in the car.

"Dinner, can I know what it is?"

"It's a surprise," you said as you pulled out of the car park and made your way to Joe's apartment.

"I changed the bedding, by the way, thought you'd want fresh sheets," you said and he grabbed your hand and kissed it.

"You are an angel," he said and you chuckled.

"You are staying tonight right?" he asked and you nodded causing him to grin.

"Of course, you just got home and I've missed you. I was planning to stay" you said, focusing on the road as your Joe played with your fingers.

"I was thinking you know" he started and you laughed nervously.

"That's never a good thing" you joked and he laughed.

"I'm serious. I've been doing a lot of thinking, I spiralled as I didn't have you to distract me" he said, becoming nervous as you parked the car.

He grabbed his bags out of the car as you guys made your way up to Joe's apartment. You unlocked the door and held it open as Joe walked past. You walked into the kitchen and began pulling dinner out of the oven and plating it up. Joe walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, placing kisses on your neck.

"You are the best," he said, tickling your sides and causing you to squeal.

"How about you set the table and I'll finish plating up" you suggested and he nodded, kissing your cheek.

You watched as he laid the table and you carried the plates over and set them down.

"You are amazing," he said as he sat down and began eating.

After dinner you watched as he washed up the plates, smiling over at you now and then.

"I want you to move in," he said, suddenly and you stopped, looking over shocked.

"What?" you asked as he dried his hands. He came over and knelt in front of you, taking hold of your hands.

"I hate watching you leave after we spend time together and it would be so much better if you just lived here he said, grinning at you.

"Plus I don't have to feel sad saying goodbye, I know whenever I come home you get to come with me or you'll already be here. And when I come back from places, you'll be here. And endless cuddles and you don't have to worry about leaving your favourite ice cream here. Plus you've already made this place more of a home than anything. Those cushions on the sofa are yours, I know for a fact without looking that the bed sheets you brought" he said and you giggled. He reached out and cupped your face.

"Please say you'll move in"

"I'll move in Joe," you said and he grinned before kissing you deeply.

"I need to make room in the wardrobe," he said, pulling you up and throwing you over his shoulder. He ran into the bedroom and threw you on the bed. He climbed on top of you and began peppering your face with kisses.

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