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"EDDIE MUNSON," you said loudly as you threw the door open and the whole crew turned to see you standing in the doorway.

He'd been hiding out for days and you had suspicions Dustin knew where he was so you followed them.

Eddie could see from your body language that you were pissed and that scared him more than anything.


"Don't even" you said holding a finger up to him and he stopped.

You ran your hand through your hair as you walked over to him.

"Do we stop her?" Steve asked and Robin smacked him.

"Does she look like someone you want to stop?" She said and he shook his head.

"Eddie Munson I swear to god I am going to kill you," you said and he watched you.

He didn't want to hide from you but everyone had told him to not tell you and had ignored his pleas.

"YOU HAVE BEEN HIDING IN REEFER RICKS BOAT SHED REALLY?!" You shouted and he ran over, clamping his hand over your mouth.

"Please don't shout," he said and you looked at him with wide eyes. He removed his hand and you cupped his face.

"Baby what happened to your face?" You asked as you looked at his injuries. He had a black eye and a busted lip.

"I got jumped by Jason and his goons but these guys saved me," Eddie said and you turned to see everyone waving at you.

You pushed him on a box and crouched in front of him as you gently stroked his cheek. He leant into your touch and closed his eyes.

"Does it hurt?" You asked and he nodded gently.

"How did she find us?" Robin asked as they all stood there, scared to move.

"She finds out everything," Nancy said as they all watched you and Eddie.

"Where does it hurt the most?" You asked and he smiled.

He pointed at his lip and looked at you with big eyes. You shook your head and laughed.

You leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips as he smiled.

"Still hurts. Another one" he said as he pressed his lips to yours.

"He did say we should tell her," Max said quietly.

"I told you guys she was scary when she's mad," Dustin said and they all nodded.

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