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You stood there watching the bats circle Steve. Without even thinking you started running over, leaving everyone else shocked. They all looked at each other and back over at you.

Eddie was gobsmacked. He was surprised to see you with everyone and then you just ran into danger without even thinking was driving him crazy.

He watched as you grabbed the spear off your back and began to stab at the bats as they pinned Steve to the floor.

"What do we do?" Robin asked as they all stood there watching you.

"WILL YOU STOP GAWKING AND FUCKING GET OVER HERE?!" You shouted and they all took off running towards you.

Eddie watched as you grabbed the bat you'd stabbed and swung it on the floor before standing on its body and yanking its body hard. You threw the spine on the floor and looked up to see Eddie standing there, mouth agape.

You walked over and gently pushed his mouth closed before winking at him and walking away.

"She's so fucking hot," Eddie said as he pulled Steve from the floor.

"You're telling me. Why'd you think we wanted her in here so badly?" He asked as they both watched you. You slipped the spear on your back before pulling a shotgun from your bag. You checked the bullets before slipping it on your back as well.

"Did you know she had a gun?"

"I didn't. Fuck" Eddie said as he ran his hands over his face.

"Come on boys. Let's kill this motherfucker once and for all" you said as you began to walk towards the Murder Creel House.

You heard Steve groan and turned to see him clutching his side. You walked over and pushed him to sit on the rock beside him.

You pulled your t-shirt off over your head and began to tear it before wrapping it around Steve's middle. Him and Eddie watching you intently.


"I'm sorry Steve. It needs to be tight" you said as you tied it to keep it in place.

"Thank you," he said as he stood up. Eddie took off his denim jacket and handed it to you, smiling gently.

"As much as I'm loving seeing you in just your bra, I don't need everyone else seeing you like this," he said and you grinned.

As you pulled it on the ground began shaking and Eddie grabbed your waist and pulled you into his chest.

"You okay sweetheart?" He asked as he began to look you all over for injuries.

"I'm fine my angel. You okay?" You asked and he nodded.


"Thought I'd try something new," you said as you began to walk toward the house again.

"I like it," he said as he caught up and walked beside you.

"I'm glad you do. I think it suits you" you said and he glanced at you intently.

"You know, watching you run over and beat those bats was so fucking hot," he said as he took hold of your hand and began swinging your arms.

"You think anything I do is hot Eds"

"That's because you're incredibly hot so everything you do is going to be hot. But that was like badass hot. Like I want you to grab me out of the sky and throw me on the floor like that" he said and you laughed.

You all stood outside the house and looked up, Eddie standing close behind you, his hands placed on your sides.

"Are we going in there?" Eddie asked quietly in your ear and you nodded. You turned and kissed him before walking up the steps.

"Let's see if he's home," you said as you opened the door.

"I'm screwed," Eddie said quietly as he followed you up the steps and inside.

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