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"Surely you can't be allowed to bring me with you everywhere?" you asked as you and Joseph walked into the room together, arms linked.

"I can bring you wherever I want. It is one of my conditions that I am allowed to bring people with me"

"Ah, so you've made a rule that you're allowed to take me with you everywhere"

"Had to be able to have you near me at all times" he said as you walked into his room backstage.

"You're so silly"

"Joseph Quinn!" you heard someone call and turned to see Jimmy Kimmel standing behind you both. Joseph let go of your arm and walked over to Jimmy, hugging him.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" Jimmy said as they pulled away and Joseph wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Thank you for having us both" Joseph said and Jimmy reached out and shook your hand.

"And you must be Y/N, so glad to meet you," Jimmy said as you shook hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," you said, smiling at Jimmy.

"I will let you both settle in and I will see you later!" Jimmy said as he walked away, waving at you both.

Joseph opened the door and gestured for you to walk inside. You smiled at him before you walked inside the dressing room together. Joseph wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up making you giggle.

"Joseph!" you squealed as he spun you around a couple of times before setting you down.

You turned around, still in his arms and smiled at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck he grinned down at you.

"How's my handsome man?"

"I'm good darling, how are you?"

"I am wonderful my love. The fact I'm here and you are with me is all I need" he said as he smiled down at you.

"You're so cheesy"

"You love it"

"I do," you said as he pulled out his phone. He played with his phone for a few seconds before setting it down and re-wrapping his arm around you. After a few seconds, slow music began to play from his phone as he smiled down at you.

"Joseph Quinn are we slow dancing?" you asked as he began to slowly dance with you, his eyes never leaving yours.

"We are. I felt like dancing with you my love" he said as you laid your head on his chest.

You both stood there slow dancing for a while, not paying attention to anything around you.

Jimmy walked past and saw you both slow dancing together, making jokes and just enjoying each other's time. He pulled out his phone and recorded a small clip before continuing to where he was going.

"I love you so much my love," Joseph said as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you more," you said as he picked you up and spun you around.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now