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"Have you seen colours yet?" Your sister asked as you walked through the door.

"No," you said as you walked up the stairs and began to set your books away on the shelf.

"Y/N I need you to go to the shop!" Your sister called and you rolled your eyes as you walked back down the stairs. You pulled on your coat and grabbed your basket as she handed you a list.

You made your way to the shops, not paying attention to your surroundings. You walked into the shop and slowly began to pick the items from the shelves. You paid and left the shop, covering the basket.

You began walking and looking at the pavement when you were suddenly pulled into someone's chest. You turned to see a carriage rushing past that definitely would have squashed you.

You blinked a couple of times before looking up. A man looked down at you worriedly. You noticed colour began to appear and you looked around frantically. Trees were green and flowers were full of colour.

"Are you okay miss?" He asked and you looked back up at him. His eyes were a deep brown, you almost drowning in them. He seemed to notice the same as you as his eyes flickered around before landing back on you.

"I am fine thank you, sir," you said as he looked down at you concerned. His hand cupped your face gently as he gazed into your eyes.

"I'm Leonard Bast"

"I'm Y/F/N. You must come for tea" you said as you looked at him intently, neither of you moving.

"I shall join you for tea," he said as you took hold of his hand and began to lead him towards your home.

"I wasn't expecting to meet you like that," you said and he looked at you confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't expecting my soulmate to save me from being trampled to death," you said and he laughed.

"I didn't expect to save my soulmate either," he said and you smiled at him.

"Thank you for saving me," you said and he smiled at you brightly.

"You need to be more careful," he said as you walked up to your door and opened it.

"Ah Y/N you're home! I was starting to think you'd wandered off" your sister said as she came out to meet you. She stopped when she noticed Leonard behind you.

"Sister this is Leonard Bast. Leonard Bast this is my sister Florence Y/L/N" you said introducing them as you hung your coat up and took his coat from him.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Bast. For what do we owe the pleasure?" She asked as you took his hand and lead him into the living room.

"I think it would be rude for me to not invite my soulmate who saved me for tea," you said as he sat down and smiled at you brightly.

"Soulmate? Saved her?" Your sister asked Leonard as you left the room and began speaking to the maids.

"She wasn't looking where she was walking and nearly got trampled by a horse and carriage," he said as your sister stood there shocked.

"That part makes sense. Soulmate?"

"Yes, he's my soulmate. I can see colours" you said as you entered the room and sat down beside him. He took hold of your hand as he smiled at you and your sister.

"We need more than tea for you finding your soulmate!"

"I'm happy with tea. I'll treat your sister to something special soon" he said and you smiled at him.

"You don't need to do that," you said and he shook his head.

"I must"

"You do not need to do such things"

"Tea madams and sir," the maids said as they placed everything down in front of you all. They left and you began to pour tea for everyone.

"I would like to treat you to dinner tonight if possible" Leonard said quietly to you as you sat back down next to him.


"Yes. I will come to collect you but I would like to take you out to dinner" he said as you smiled at him brightly.

"Dinner sounds splendid. I shall ensure to not fill up on tea" you said and he smiled at you brightly.

"What are you two whispering about?" Your sister asked from across the room.

"Leonard here was inviting me to dinner," you said as you smiled at each other.

"Oh I see," she said, looking at you both smiling at each other.

"You don't have to call me Leonard," he said as he sipped on his tea.

"What would you like me to call you?"

"You can call me Len, Lenny, whatever you'd like. But you don't have to call me Leonard if you do not wish to do so"

"I quite like Leonard but I will think about it," you said and he laughed.

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