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"Y/N!" Dustin shouted down the corridor. You turned to see him running through a sea of people making his way directly to you. You continued to pull your books out of your locker as he approached.

"Y/N, I have an emergency and I need your help," he panted as you closed your locker and looked at him confused. The whole corridor was standing there staring at you both.

"Dustin, what can I do for you?"

"So you know I play DND right?"

"Yes, I pick you up from your meetings enough to know there is one tonight," you said, adjusting the bag on your shoulder as you began making your way to lunch, Dustin right beside you.

"Perfect. I know you're coming to pick me up tonight right?" he asked as you walked through the cafeteria doors.

"I am indeed Dusty, where are you going with this?" you asked as you grabbed a drink and fruit pot as Dustin grabbed food.

"Lucas is playing the championship tonight and we need a sub so I was hoping you'd take his place and come play tonight," he said as he grabbed your arm and began dragging you over to the Hellfire Club Table.

"Dustin," you warned as you got closer to the table.

"I will owe you massively I know. I will make up for it and I know you know how to play"

"How to play what?" someone said and your head snapped up to see Eddie Munson sitting there watching you and Dustin. Dustin took the books and food out of your hands before putting them on the table and gesturing for you to sit down. You sighed and took a seat.

"Dusty, it has been years since I played. The last time I played Will was the DM," you said as you opened your fruit pot and began eating.

"DM?" Eddie asked again, annoyed you ignored him.

"Y/N please I am begging you," Dustin said, pulling out the puppy dog eyes making you groan which caused Eddie to shift in his seat.

"Fine Dusty fine. I'll sub," you said, he cheered before throwing his arms around you making you laugh.

"Eddie, I found a sub," Dustin said, grinning. You already had opened one of the books you were carrying and began to read.

"Perfect! Who is it?"

"Y/N," Dustin said, gesturing towards you. You looked up from your book, smiled and nodded before returning to the page.

"Hey, Y/N!" Mike said as he sat down in front of you. You looked up and grinned at him.

"Hey Mike, look at you in your shirt! Is that why we were late this morning?" you asked and he nodded sheepishly.

"Sorry to interrupt the family reunion but the Y/N Wheeler is going to be the sub tonight?" Eddie said, clearly unhappy about the situation. Dustin tensed next to you and Mike shot him a look of unhappiness.

"Got a problem, Munson? From what the boys have been telling me you're pretty desperate for a sub tonight and I know how to play," you said, setting your book down and looking at him annoyed. A smirk broke out on his face.

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