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You looked down at the mark on your upper arm whilst you got ready for school.

The mark had only been on your arm a week and your friends were obsessed with trying to find your soulmate.

A beeping car outside pulled you from your thoughts as you grabbed your bag and ran outside to see Steve and Robin sitting in his car.

"Morning," you said as you climbed in and Robin immediately turned around.

"I haven't found my soulmate before you ask Robin," you said and she sighed, turning back around.

"We will find him!" She said and you nodded, looking out the window. Steve looked in his mirror at you, smiling gently.

"I don't know why you're so obsessed with her soulmate? She doesn't have to end up with him" Steve said and you smiled.

"Because it's romantic! To find the one person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with! The one person you're destined to be with!" Robin said as you parked at school and you all climbed out.

"I will eventually find them. They might not even be in the same state" you said and she sighed.

"Dad!" You heard across the car park and you all turned to see yours and Steve's "children" running at you.

Max ran to you first, wrapping you in a hug. You smiled as you hugged her back. Lucas and Mike gave you high fives. Once max pulled away Dustin hugged you tightly, giggling.

"How are we, my children?" You asked as Dustin still hugged you.

"Good. I have a test today" Dustin said and you squeezed him.

"You'll be fine. We've done plenty of studying don't you worry" you said and he nodded.

"HENDERSON!" A voice called out and you all turned to see a long-haired man running over from a van. Dustin jumped up and down before running over and doing a handshake with him.

"Who's that?" You asked as you made eye contact with the mystery man.

"That's Eddie. He's our dungeon master" Mike said and you nodded.

"Max help me. I've been telling Y/N here she will meet her soulmate" Robin said and you groaned. You walked over to Steve and leaned your head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Y/N you got your tattoo?!" Max asked as she pulled at your arms trying to find it.

"You didn't tell Max?!"

"I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing," you said as you removed your jacket and showed Max your mark.

"Guys this is Eddie, Eddie is this Robin, Steve and Y/N," Dustin said as he introduced you all.

"Nice to meet you, Eddie," you said as Robin and Max twisted your arm around.

"What are they doing?" Eddie asked as he watched the weird scene in front of him.

"They're obsessing over my soulmate tattoo," you said and the others gasped.

"YOU GOT IT AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" Dustin screamed as he ran round to look at it. You rolled your eyes, fed up.

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