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You sat next to Eddie in English as the teacher droned on. You were staring absentmindedly at the board when you felt Eddie's hand place itself on your thigh, making you jump from the cold rings.

You turned to see him trying to hide a grin behind his hand as his eyes flicked to you and back to the board, pretending to be focusing.

His hand slowly traced its way up and down your thigh, squeezing now and then.

"My rings cold sweetheart?" he asked quietly in your ear, squeezing your thigh tightly, rings pressed right against your skin.

"You know they are," you said, trying to ignore the feeling of his hand and rings on your thigh. He grinned before moving his hand even higher, touching the hem of your skirt.

"Eddie Munson what are you doing?" you whispered and he chuckled, trying to cover it with a cough.

"Nothing sweetheart, just focus on the lesson," he said quietly.

You heard his breath hitch as his hand slipped under your skirt. You reached down and grabbed his hand making him smirk.

"You okay sweetheart?" he asked, trying to wiggle his hand from yours.

"If you continue, I will make you regret it," you said quietly and his cheeks went red at your words. He wanted you to make him regret it. He loved when you drove him crazy to the point where he couldn't even think straight.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he said as the bell rang and you let go of his hand. He groaned before standing up and following you out of the classroom and to your locker. You stood outside your locker and put your books away before making your way to the bathroom and turning to Eddie.

"I'll be right back," you said, pressing a kiss to his neck before walking inside. You checked the bathroom was empty before reaching out and grabbing Eddie and pulling him inside. You pushed him against the wall and he stood there staring at you, shocked.

"You, uh, you okay sweetheart?" he asked, cheeks turning red as you pinned him against the wall. You leant up to your face was equal to his, resting your body weight on him and looking him in the eye.

"Oh I am fine baby," you said and you saw his eyes flicker at you calling him baby. You knew every weakness of Eddie's and you were going to use it against him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck before connecting your lips and pulling him down so you weren't reaching up on your toes. His hands instantly found your hips as he grabbed them tightly. You started playing with the hair on the back of his neck as one of your hands slipped from the back of his neck to his cheek. You deepened the kiss, hearing him moan against your lips as his grip tightened.

You started to trace down his cheek to his neck and felt him shiver against your touch. You wrapped your hand around his neck and tightened your grip and he moaned. You pulled away from the kiss and he groaned.

"You okay baby?" you asked, caressing his cheek as you looked at him with wide eyes. All he could do was nod.

"Good," you said, placing kisses on his neck before pulling him out of the bathroom. He stumbled over his feet before wrapping his arms around you from behind.

You walked into the cafeteria and over to the Hellfire table. Eddie sat down and instead of sitting in the chair next to him you sat on his lap. His arms wrapped around you and one of his hands on your thigh.

"I'm not doing okay," he said quietly into your ear as you shifted your weight ever so slightly and his grip on your thigh tightened.

"Not doing okay?" you asked, looking at him with wide eyes and a small smile.

"I wasn't expecting you to sit on my lap, let alone after that and in this bloody fucking skirt," he said, his eyes dark.

You giggled before kissing along his jaw and then kissing him. The whole time his tight squeeze on your thigh only gets tighter.

"What's wrong with my skirt?"

"Not only is it my favourite skirt but you are making my head spin" he mumbled against your skin. You stood up and removed your cardigan before sitting back on Eddie's lap, your shoulders and neck even more exposed.

"Oh fuck me," he said quietly, running his hand through his hair.

"Everything okay my love?" you asked and Eddie nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. They were even darker than before as they bore into your soul.

"I think I left something in the DND room, Eddie, can we go get it?" you asked and he nodded. You climbed off his lap and bent to get your bag off the floor and heard Eddie whine from behind you.

"Let's go, darling"

He stood up, grabbing hold of your hand tightly, his knuckles white. You'd teased Eddie before and he loved it, and he loved it now. But this time his head was spinning and he couldn't even remember to breathe when he looked at you. You've never teased him this much in public and he was intoxicated by you. He could only think of you.

He held the door open to the DND room as you grinned at him. You walked past and made your way to the table at the back as he sat on his throne, his eyes never leaving yours.

"I'll make a deal with you," you said and he nodded.

"We go back to yours," you said and he leant forward.


"We take a D20," you said, as you held the dice in your fingers and made your way over to him.


"And we play that little game you've been asking me to play forever," you said as you leaned on the arms of the chair as his head and back hit the chair.

"The game?" he asked and you grinned.

"The game," you said and he stared at you wide-eyed, unable to speak.

You pressed a kiss to his lips as he kissed you back with so much hunger and desire.

"If I roll over 10 you remove something and if you roll over 10 I remove something," you said as you stood in front of him between his legs. He blinked at you before picking you up and running out of the school and to his van.

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