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"Wayne I miss him as well but you need to keep this place clean," you said as you walked around the trailer and threw away the rubbish.

"I know Y/N, I will I promise. I can't have you coming round forever cleaning up after me" he said as he tied a rubbish bag together and threw it outside.

You stopped when you looked up at Eddie's door and saw it slightly open.

"You been in his room?" you asked and Wayne looked at you confused.

"I wouldn't dream of it. Can't bring myself to do it" he said as you slowly walked over to the door. You gently pushed it open and looked around the room. You walked over and gently trace your fingers over the strings on Eddie's guitar.

"This is going to be the most metal concert of all time gorgeous you watch!" Eddie shouted as he plugged everything in.

"Oh yeah? You're normally pretty metal" you said as you stood beside him.

He turned and wrapped his arms around your waist as he grinned at you.

"And I have my gorgeous girl beside me to cheer me on," he said as you pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"GET READY EDDIE!" Dustin shouted and you looked at each other.

"You put on one hell of a show for me Eds. You show these bats who you are" you said and he grinned.

"Just for you sweetheart"

He kissed you deeply before peppering your face with kisses.

"I just want him back," Wayne said from behind you and you nodded as you swallowed back the tears.

"So do I, he was my everything," you said and Wayne sighed.

"You're welcome to anything in this room Y/N," Wayne said before leaving and closing the door behind him leaving you alone.

You looked around the room before you laid down on the bed, hugging Eddie's pillow.

It still smells like him.

Without meaning to you drifted off and fell asleep.

You woke up to see a figure standing over the bed watching you. You slowly blinked and then it hit you there was someone above you.

You screamed and scrambled from the bed as the figure ran over, clamping its hand over your mouth.

"Please be quiet sweetheart. You'll scare Uncle Wayne" the figure said and your whole body stiffened.

"This is a sick joke. I've fully gone insane" you said pulling the figure from you. You stood up and began pacing the room.

"Sweetheart," the figure said as the began to approach you.

"You shut up. I don't know who put you up to this but fuck you" you said as you began to cry as you backed up and fell to the floor in a ball.

"Go away, go away, go away," you said as you rocked back and forth.

"Sweetheart please look at me," the figure said as they came over and gently placed their hands on your shoulders.

You looked up and saw it was Eddie in front of you, smiling sadly.

"No!" You cried as you stood up and ran to the other side of the room from him.

"Sweetheart you're breaking my heart here," he said as he stood up and looked at you from across the room.

"YOU AREN'T HERE! I WATCHED YOU DIE IN MY ARMS" you said as you turned at looked at him. Your eyes bright red and your cheeks are stained with tears.

"Sweetheart, please. Come here" he said as he slowly approached you with his arms extended.

He slowly took hold of your hand and pulled you into his chest; wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"I'm here sweetheart. I'm here" he said quietly as you wrapped your arms around him and broke down.

"Oh, Eddie," you said as you sobbed into his chest.

He gently stroked your head as you clutched onto him tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere I promise. I'm here to stay darling" he said.

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