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You watched as Paul's belongings were carried out to his carriage. You were looking everywhere for him but you couldn't find him anywhere.

"Your highness"

"Harry! Have you found him?"

"I'm sorry your highness, I can't find him anywhere"

You sighed before rushing off to your father, Harry running behind you.

"FATHER!" you called as you ran into his study. He looked up at you in surprise.


"Please stop Paul from leaving" you begged and he sighed before running his hand across his face.

"Darling I cannot do that. He wishes to leave"

"Please father, I do not want him to leave"

"You need to tell him this"

"I can't find him anywhere in the Castle," you said and then it dawned on you.

You grabbed your dress and ran from the room and down the stairs.

"PRINCESS Y/N!" Harry called but you kept running, ignoring his calls.

You ran out of the gate and to the bush tunnel. You looked down the tunnel and saw it was empty. You walked down hoping to find him but the tunnel was empty.

"Your highness?" You heard a voice say and you turned to see one of Paul's guards.

"Have you seen Paul?" you asked as you walked towards him.

"He told us he had to visit the lover's cliff before he left your highness," he said and began to walk away.

"Do you have any more information?"

"He said you took him there was all your highness," he said and bowed before leaving.

Lovers cliff?

You took off running to the stables and grabbed a horse and took off towards the last place you could think of.

You rode to the cliff edge and saw a horse and figure on the cliff edge. You cried in relief and rode over. You stopped the horse and climbed off before running over to him.

"PAUL!" you shouted and he turned to see you running towards him.

"Y/N please"

"Don't leave" you panted as you stood looking at him, your eyes tearing up.


"Please don't leave," you said as you walked closer.

"Y/N I can't-"

"Paul I am begging you please don't leave," you said as you started to cry as you walked over.

"Y/N stop please," he said and you stopped, before falling to the ground in tears. He rushed over, taking hold of you immediately.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now