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"Victoria I say this in the nicest way possible, must I come to another party of yours?" you asked as you both sipped martinis at the bar.

"It is my birthday party Y/N! You must come!" she cried as she set her glass down and looked at you shocked.

"You had a party last week that I came to"

"But this is my birthday party! Plus Ralph will be upset if you aren't there" she said as you sipped your drink.

"You must stop using your brother against me," you said and she laughed.

"I will as soon as you both admit your feelings for each other," she said as you finished your drink and stood up.

"I shall see you at your party tonight," you said as you waved bye, making your way out of the bar. You bumped into someone and looked up to see Ralph standing in front of you.

"Hello Ralph, Victoria is inside," you said as you smiled at him.

"Hello Y/N, will you be coming to our party tonight? It's our birthday" he said, grinning at you.

"I will be there, see you later Ralph," you said as you placed your hand on his shoulder before walking past him and towards your home.

"What on earth am I going to wear?" you asked your sister as she sat on your bed as you went through all the different dresses in your wardrobe.

"I say you wear the black dress, drive Ralph insane," your sister said as she held the dress up and grinned at you.

"Wear the white one," your mother said as she walked past, smiling at you.

"I forgot about the white one! That one! The sparkly white one!" your sister cried as she ran to the wardrobe and pulled out your sparkly white dress.

You sat down at your vanity and did your make-up as your sister did your hair before you slipped the dress on and put on your heels.

"I shall see you later," you said as you picked up your gifts and made your way to the party.

You walked in and put your present on the table before you were tightly embraced in a hug.

"You came!" Victoria cried as she hugged you tightly, jumping up and down.

"I did! Couldn't miss your birthday could I?" you said as she smiled at you brightly.

"Come come come," she said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you through the crowd.

"Ralph look who came!" she cried and Ralph turned before squealing and running over to you.

He pulled you in for a hug, lifting you off the floor.

"I'm so glad you could make it," he said as he spun you in a circle.

"I got you a gift"

"Can I have it now?" he asked as he set you down, his hands sitting on your waist.

"I put it on the table," you said and he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the present table.

"Why do you both drag me around? I can walk" you said as you got to the table and he wrapped his arm around you.

You picked up the gift you got for him and handed it to him.

"I wasn't expecting you to open it in front of me," you said as he looked at you excitedly.

"Come with me," he said as he led you away from the party, his arm still wrapped around your waist.

He led you into a quiet room away from the party and you both sat down on the sofa together.

"Can I open it now?"

"You can open it," you said and he grinned at you.

He slowly undone the ribbon and opened the box before looking at you, surprised.

"You got me this?" he asked as he pulled the bowtie from the box.

"I saw it and it screamed Ralph and I knew I had to get it for you," you said as he smiled at you.

"Help me put it on please," he said as he pulled his old bowtie off. You smiled as you both stood up, facing each other.

You popped up his collar and put on his bowtie, Ralph watching you intently.

"You're going to have to come and do my bowtie every morning," he said as he put his hands on your hips and you laughed.

"I can't come round to put a bowtie on you every morning Ralph"

"What if you did?" he asked, smiling at you as you folded his collar back down and straightened his bowtie before smiling up at him.


"Y/N I'm in love with you," he said and you looked at him shocked.


"I probably shouldn't have said anything but you look incredible and you drive me crazy every day. I am in love with you" he confessed as you smiled at him.

"I'm in love with you too Ralph," you said before he squealed. He picked you up and spun you around in the air, making you giggle.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked as he set you down on the floor. You nodded and smiled at him.

He leaned down and kissed you gently.

"As much as I like my bowtie, that was a better birthday present," he said and you started laughing.

"Kiss me again Ralph"

He leaned down and kissed you again, one of his hands cupping your face.

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