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"One day sweetheart me and you are going to see the world. Me at the wheel and you looking so gorgeous that it is distracting" Eddie said as his hand sat on your thigh, moving up and down as he rubbed your thigh.

"Oh yeah? See the world together?"

"I will take you wherever you want to go. You deserve the world and more and I will do my best to give it to you" he said as he looked at you and grinned.

"You're my world, Eddie," you said and he chuckled before grabbing your hand and kissing it.

"And you are mine. My absolute everything"

"And here we are! I have warned them to not jump you" Steve said as he opened your car door. You shook your head before climbing out of the car and walking towards Steve's front door.

He opened the door and you looked up to see everyone staring at you.

"Y/NNN!" Dustin screamed as he ran to you and threw his arms around you.

"Dusty," you said as you hugged him back tightly.

"I told you to take it easy!" Steve called as you and Dustin stood there hugging each other tightly.

"He loved you" Dustin whispered and you hugged him tighter as you nodded.

"Thank you Dusty," you said quietly and he nodded.

"Right I want a hug too so move it," Max said as she grabbed Dustin and pulled him away before pulling you in for a hug herself.

"I missed you," she said quietly and you hugged her tighter.

"I'm so sorry Max"

"Don't be sorry. I know" she said quietly. You stayed there for a second before pulling away.

Dustin came back and hugged you again, making you laugh.

"We missed you a lot. Can we go for milkshakes?" Dustin asked and you nodded.

"Get off her! You guys are bombarding her!" Steve said as he pulled Max and Dustin from you.

"I'm okay Steve don't worry," you said as you smiled at him.

"Let's go eat!" Dustin shouted as he grabbed your hand and began dragging you towards Steve's car.

"Dustin!" Steve shouted as he came out of the house behind you both with Robin and Max.

"Unlock the car, Steve!" Dustin shouted as a repeatedly yanked on the door handle.

"Stop pulling on the door you're going to break it!"

"I wouldn't have to if you would open the car!"

Steve walked over and sighed before unlocking the car. He opened the passenger side door for you and gestured for you to climb in. You smiled at Steve before climbing in and he shut the door.

"A princess such as yourself should never open doors," Eddie said as he opened the van door for you and held out his hand for you to climb in.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now