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I want to dedicate this chapter and my next couple of stories to some people

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I want to thank you guys for your support. It means a lot ☺️ much love to you all, forever and eternally grateful ❤️❤️❤️❤️


"Do I really need to be here?" Joseph asked as you walked into another store, shopping list in one of your hands, your other hands intertwined.

"It's Christmas Joseph, we need to get presents for people"

"Can't I just get you a present and we call it a day?" he asked as he stood before you, looking into your eyes.

"I'm happy to do this by myself if you'd rather head home," you said and he violently shook his head at you.

"Uh no, I'm not leaving you to do all this alone, I was simply offering that we only buy each other presents and forget about everyone else," he said and you laughed, shaking your head.

"We won't be out for long darling. Plus there is a Christmas market nearby I want to look at" you said and he nodded, kissing your forehead gently.

You walked around a couple of stores, making mental notes to come back when Joseph wasn't with you as he walked next to you, carrying all the bags, refusing to let you carry anything other than your bag.

"Let's go to the Christmas market and then we can call it a day" he suggested and you laughed as you looked up at him.

"Deal," you said as you leaned up and kissed him.

"Please let me carry some bags"

"There aren't that many my love don't worry"

"I want to carry something"

"Don't be silly" he said as he took hold of your hand and swung your arms together, making you laugh.

"Oh Joseph look at that stall!" you cried as you pulled him over to a candle stall. Your eyes lit up as you began to pick the jars up and smelt them all.

"Oh Joseph this one!" you said as you held the jar up to him and he smelt it before smiling at you.

He watched as you passed the man some money as he bagged up your candle. He tried to take the bag but you smacked his hand gently.

"I can carry a candle Joseph, my hand won't break"

"Fine, I'm not happy about it"

Joseph looked around as you continued to walk before he saw a stall that screamed your name.

"My love, I'm going to the bathroom quickly, is that okay?" he asked and you nodded as you took the bags from him.

"I'll meet you outside Starbucks?" you asked and he nodded as you kissed him gently before walking away.

Joseph walked up to the stall and looked at the items before his eyes fell on one in particular.

"Can I buy this please?" Joseph asked as he passed the lady the item and some money. She wrapped it up and handed it to Joseph before he walked away.

He spied a blanket stall out the corner of his eye and walked over and purchased a large weighted fluffy blanket before making his way back to you, hiding your other present in the large bag.

"What you got there Mr Quinn?" you asked as he came over and took the bags back from you.

"Now I'm not allowed to tell you. It's a present after all" he said as you grinned at him.

"Let's get home and have dinner, I don't know about you but I'm starving," you said and he nodded.

"I wouldn't be opposed to a bath together too," Joseph said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek as you began to walk together, hands entwined.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now