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REQUESTED BY wolfiiie88


"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Billy's dad screamed as he kicked Billy in the ribs.

Billy cried out in pain as he ran from the house.

He stood outside for a second before he remembered your words.

"If you need somewhere to go Billy you can always come to me," you said as you hugged him tightly.

He sniffled before walking to your house. He felt guilty for turning up at your house in what felt was the middle of the night but he had nowhere else to go.

He knocked on the door and he wiped away the tears as he looked around.

The light flicked on and the door opened to reveal you half asleep in your pyjamas.

"Billy?" you asked as you ran your hands over your face.

"I'm sorry. This was a bad idea" Billy said and began to turn around. You reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside your home.

You lead him into the lounge before sitting down on the sofa, pulling him to sit beside you.

"Billy what's going on?" you asked as you looked at him concerned. He looked down at his hands before wiping away his tears quickly.

"I shouldn't have come here and interrupted you," he said and you smiled at him sadly.

"Billy. Talk to me" you said as you shifted closer to him and took hold of his hands.

Billy looked at you before bursting into tears as you gasped. You wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly as he sobbed into your arms.

"Billy please talk to me. It's okay. You're safe here" you said and Billy cried harder.

"Billy you're covered in cuts and blood. Is it your blood?" you asked and he nodded.

"I need to check you to make sure you don't need hospital treatment," you said and Billy looked at you terrified.

"NO! No hospitals!" he screamed as he jumped up and stood away from you, staring at you.

"Billy it's okay. No hospitals I promise" you said as you stood up and walked towards him, holding out your hands.

"Let's get you cleaned up and a change of clothes okay?" you said as you took hold of his hands and he nodded.

You led Billy upstairs and into the bathroom. You got a change of clothes out of your wardrobe and passed them to him.

"Let me know when you've changed," you said as you went to close the door but Billy stopped you.

"Please don't close the door," he said quietly and you nodded.

"I'll turn around then," you said and he nodded.

He changed his bottoms before tapping you on the shoulder.

He took his top off and you gasped as you rushed forward.

"Billy, what has happened?" you asked as you looked at the cuts and bruises that littered his chest and back.

You gently traced over the marks before getting Billy to sit on the toilet as you run a flannel under the sink.

"I'm going to clean you up a little bit okay? If it hurts you let me know" you said and Billy nodded.

You gently washed Billy's chest and back before looking at his face. You sighed before gently wiping his face, him holding one of your hands.

You wipe all the blood from his face before smiling at him.

"Much better, can see your face properly," you said and he smiled at you brightly.

"Have you eaten Billy?" you asked and he shook his head. You led him downstairs, his hands still holding on to your hand.

You sat him down at the table before sorting him out some food.

"Are beans on toast okay?" you asked and he nodded.

You placed the beans on toast in front of him with a cup of tea before you sit down with your tea.

"Want to tell me what happened?" you asked as you sipped on your tea. He looked at you before sipping his tea.

"Was it your dad again?" you asked and he nodded.

You sighed as you picked up Billy's empty plate and took his hand.

"Come on. I'm tired and need sleep" you said as you began to walk upstairs, Billy behind you.

You climbed into bed before patting the empty side beside you.

"Don't worry Billy. I won't eat you" you joked and you both laughed.

He climbed into bed next to you and you smiled at him.

"Goodnight Billy," you said as you kissed his forehead gently.

"Goodnight Y/N," he said as he held onto one of your hands, smiling at you brightly.

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