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You sat on the sofa in the trailer watching TV as the final scenes for the day were being filmed. You were flicking through channels trying to find something but nothing was interesting.

All of a sudden music started playing and the door flew open. You turned to see your boyfriend start to walk in, and grin at you before starting to dance.

He danced for a few seconds before coming over and holding his hand out to you and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Joe," you said hesitantly but he didn't even give you a chance to finish before grabbing your hand and pulling you up.

"No wait, songs too fast," he said quickly before running over to his phone and picking a slow song before coming back over.

He wrapped his hands around your waist and began to sway slowly as he smiled at you softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, hands playing with the hair on the nape of his neck.

"How was your day sweetheart?" he asked, his eyes never leaving yours.

"It was good, it was fun to watch you for a while and then I got a bit tired so came back into here," you said, smiling up at him. He suddenly spun you around in a circle causing you to laugh.

"How was your day?"

"It was good, a bit long but now that it's over and I'm here with you it was worth it," he said as he peppered kisses on your face.

"You must have rushed here Mr Munson" you joked and he shook his head.

"I just wanted to see you, I couldn't be bothered to wait until I'd changed"

"So you ran to come to see me, full Eddie get up, just to dance?" you asked and he nodded.

"I needed to see you. Plus I know you enjoy a little bit of Eddie" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I missed you. Seeing you from across set the whole day, unable to come over half the time was torture" he said as he rested his forehead against yours.

"You know it's just as hard for me to see you and not being allowed to come over, the Eddieness does not help," you said and he burst out laughing, throwing his head back.

He suddenly spun away from you and started to slowly remove the denim jacket causing you to burst out laughing.

"Are you strip teasing me?" you asked as his cheeks turned red. The song suddenly changed to something more upbeat and you watched Joseph's eyes light up.

"Now this is a song," he said as he began to shimmy at you.

You sat there watching him throw all kinds of shapes and moves until someone knocked on the door.

"Joe you need to come change" you heard Joe Keery say on the other side of the door.

"Come on lover boy, let's get you changed," you said grabbing his hand and leading him to the door.

"Hi Joe, Joe was just coming to change," you said as you pushed your boyfriend down the steps of the trailer. He turned and grabbed your hand, dragging you down the stairs with him.

You walked hand-in-hand over to hair and make-up, Joe still dancing away even without music.

"You are doing a lot of dancing darling," you said as he spun you around in a circle as you continued to walk. You were pulling to Joe's chest, you both bursting out laughing.

"I just can't help myself," he said as you awkwardly waddled, you still trapped in his arms with your arms under his arms, holding his shoulders.

You reached the hair and make-up trailer and Joseph held the door open for you.

"After you sweetheart," he said, winking at you.

As you walked up the steps you felt a hand slap your bum and a laugh come from behind you. You turned to see Joseph giving you a shit-eating grin.

"You are a terror!" you exclaimed as you walked into the trailer, him right behind you.

"I told you. I can't help myself" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Just sit in the chair and behave," you said as you pushed him into one of the chairs. He grabbed your hips and pulled you down so you were sitting on his lap.

"Joe I am completely in the way sitting here," you said as you tried to climb off his lap, but his arms trapped you.

"I'll be good I promise sweetheart. I'll behave" he said, kissing your cheek gently.

The hair and make-up team smiled at you both before removing the wig from Joe's head.

"There are those curls," you said as you instantly ran your hands through them. Joe smiled down at you as you played with his hair.

"How am I meant to behave when you make things so difficult" he whispered in your ear causing you to roll your eyes and swat his shoulder.

"Just get changed so we can go get food and go home," you said as you stood up and spun the chair around.

He came back out, giving you a little spin of his new outfit.

"How do I look, sweetheart?"

"Handsome as always," you said, giving him a mini-applause.

"Let's get out of here," he said, taking your hand as you exited the trailer.

You both ran across the car park, giggling like schoolchildren as Joe kept randomly dancing and chasing you around.

"Stop chasing me!" you called out, trying to escape.

"Never," he said as he grabbed your hips and pulled you into him, "I will never stop chasing you and that is a promise. I will chase you to the ends of the earth," he said very seriously as he cupped your face. You smiled at him before connecting your lips.

"Get out of here love birds!" you heard Charlie shout from across the car park as he drove away.

You stood there for a few moments more, Joe cupping your face and your arms wrapped around him, exchanging kisses and whispers before he took hold of your hand and you continued to walk.

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