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You walked up to the gate and smiled at the guard.

"Hi! I've got a visitors pass set aside by Joseph Quinn. My name is Y/F/N" you said and the guard looked at the ID you handed him and then at the passes.

"Y/N!" You heard and turned to see Joseph running over. The guard handed you your pass before you took off running to Joseph.

As you got closer you wrapped your arms around his neck and he spun you around in a hug as his arms went around your waist. You laughed as he spun you a couple of times before setting you down and pulling you into another hug.

"How are you?" You asked, still embracing Joseph. He sighed before hugging you tighter.

"I'm better now. I've been stressed waiting for you to arrive" he said and you laughed.

"Stressed? You have my location" you said and he chuckled.

"Doesn't mean I don't stress" he said and you smiled, pulling away from the hug. You cupped his face and he smiled; closing his eyes.

"Can we go set my bags down because they're killing me?" You asked and his eyes opened wide before nodding. He started picking up your bags; ignoring your protests and began walking.

"Joseph I swear to god!" You called as you chased after him. He grinned before walking even faster.

"Come on. Let's get these bags down and you can meet everyone" he said as he paced towards his trailer. You followed; shaking your head as you walked behind him.

You made it to the trailer and Joseph set your bags down before turning to look at you and grinning.

"I'm going to introduce you to everyone. I've done nothing but talk about you all week" he said as he took your hand and dragged you towards the set. Your cheeks went bright pink at him holding your hand as you looked down; trying to hide your face.

"GATEN!" Joseph shouted as he waved his arm as someone turned around. You saw Gaten standing there waving back.

"Gaten this is my best friend Y/N! Y/N this is Gaten" Joseph said as he introduced you to each other.

"You're the Y/N that Joseph here speaks about 24/7. He hasn't stopped talking about his amazing best friend he loves so much since he got here" Gaten said as he shook your hand and you shot Joseph a confused look.

"You said you've only spoken about me this week?"

"I might have told you a small white lie," he said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I think everyone here knows you without ever meeting you," Gaten said and you laughed as Joseph's cheeks turned red and he smiled at you sheepishly.

"Come meet everyone else," Gaten said, gesturing for you to follow as he walked towards more people. You looked at Joseph who smiled at you before taking your hand and following Gaten.

"Y/N this is Joe, Maya and Natalia," Gaten said, introducing you to everyone. Joseph stood behind you, wrapped his arms around you as he hid his face in your neck.

"You're Y/N!" Maya said as she shook your hand. You shook your head and laughed.

"Let me guess, Joseph here has been talking about me since he got here?" You asked and they all nodded as they shook your hand.

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