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You walked into the bakery and picked out a loaf of bread.

"Your highness! It's an honour to see you again" the baker said as he bowed to you.

"Frederick I tell you every day, you do not need to bow," you said as you placed the bread loaf on the counter and opened your bag.

"I am more than happy to give you the bread your highness," he said as you handed him more than enough money for the bread.

"And I want to pay you for it. I shall see you tomorrow morning Frederick" you said as you waved and left the bakery. Your guards stood outside the bakery and you rolled your eyes.

"Your highness" you heard a small voice say and you turned to see a little girl standing across the road staring at you with wide eyes. You handed a guard the bread and made your way across the road.

"Hello, what's your name?" You asked as you leant down to speak to her. She gasped and bowed to you.

"My name is Avangeline, your highness," she said and you smiled.

"Well Avangeline, could you possibly show me around? Would that be okay? I've heard of a very pretty garden around here" you said as you stood. She nodded and took hold of your hand and began walking.

"Why is one of your eyes brown?" She asked, smiling at you brightly.

"It's my soulmate's eye. When I turned 18 one of my eyes turned brown and one of his eyes turned Y/E/C like my eye" you explained and she nodded.

"So when I turn 18 one of my eyes will change colours?"

"Yes, so one of your green eyes will change colour to your soulmate's eye colour," you said and she giggled.

"Have you met your soulmate yet?" She asked and you shook your head.

"I have not"

"How do you know when it's them?"

"When you meet your soulmate your eyes return to your eye colour. So both his eyes will go back to brown and both my eyes will go back to Y/E/C" you said and she nodded.

All of a sudden a large amount of guards stopped in front of you and a man on a horse rode up. You stopped walking and pulled Avangeline closer as your guards ran in front of you.

"What's happening?" She asked as she became scared. You lowered yourself to her level and held both her little hands in your own.

"It's okay Avangeline, my guards will protect us. I'm sure it's nothing. Just a miscommunication" you said as the guards stood. Your main guard came and stood at your side.

"How would you like to proceed?" He asked as you watched the man on the horse look round and make eye contact with you. His eyes matched yours.

"He's dressed as a royal. Get him to identify himself"

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF" your guard shouted as the man sat on his horse.

"I AM PRINCE PAUL FROM RUSSIA. I AM LOOKING FOR PRINCESS Y/N FROM FRANCE" he shouted back and you looked at your guard.

"BRING THE PRINCESS HER HORSE" he shouted and a guard ran to get your horse.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now