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You lay in bed watching as your boyfriend walked from the bedroom to the bathroom and back carrying towels and candles.

"Joe, what are you doing?" You asked, propping yourself up with one of your arms as you watched.

He flashed you a smile before continuing. He was always up to something but this time you didn't know what it was.

After a little while, he came back into the bedroom and held out his hand for you.

"It is time madam," he said grinning at you as you laughed.


"Come on love," he said as you took ahold of his hand and he pulled you out of bed. He led you into the bathroom where you could see candles lit and a bubble bath waiting.

"Joe, what is all of this?" You asked as you turned to him shocked.

"I thought I'd treat you to a bubble bath," he said, kissing your forehead.

You got undressed and climbed in, your body instantly relaxing in the hot water as you submerge yourself.

"You coming in?" You asked him grinning. He looked at you for a second before removing his clothes and climbing behind you.

His arms instantly wrapped around your waist, pulling your back against his chest.

"I know you've been very patient with my schedule and working and the last nights and the distance. I know it's not been easy but I'm glad we made it work. I'm very grateful that you were patient and stuck it out" he said as he placed kisses against your bare shoulder. You leaned your head back against his chest as he chuckled.

"Of course we made it work. I'm not going to run away because you had to be in America for filming and stuff" you said, taking his hands and playing with his fingers.

"Moments like this make everything seem irrelevant"

You both sat enjoying the company and hot water for a while before Joe spoke up.

"I won't lie, love, I really can't be bothered to cook tonight so how about when we are done here we order a takeaway?" He asked and you nodded.

"You okay? You seem very quiet" he said concerned and you laughed quietly.

"I am enjoying the bubble bath with my wonderful boyfriend. I don't have many words or things to say currently. I'm just enjoying the moment" you said, turning your head so you could see him. He grinned at you before gently pressing a kiss to your lips.

"As long as you don't fall asleep we will be fine" he joked and you scoffed.

"It was one time and you'll never let me live it down," you said shaking your head as he laughed.

"It's not every day that I get to have a bath with you, let alone you fall asleep in it"

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. You're a comforting person and the bath was warm and we were cuddling and it was perfect" you said as he placed kisses along your collarbone and neck.

"I'm a comforting person?"

"You are like my safe place. I feel safe when I'm around you. I don't have to worry about anything when you're near because it all just seems so irrelevant. When I'm with you all that matters is you" you said as his hands began to trace shapes onto your side.

"Plus you are a very distracting man. Just looking at you normally de-rails my entire mind" you confessed and he burst out laughing.


"Joseph Quinn do not try and pretend for one second you don't know how distracting you are," you said, turning and pointing a finger at him as he grinned.

"Oh, I know. I just like to hear you say it darling" he said, pulling you closer and pressing kisses on your jaw.

"You are doing it now" you mumbled quietly and he nodded.

"You mean me kissing you is distracting?" He asked cockily, his lips never leaving your jaw.


"What if I kiss you here?" He asked as he began to slowly kiss up from your jaw towards your lips.

"Joe," you said quietly, enjoying the feeling of his lips.


"Stop being a tease and kiss me please," you said before he pressed his lips to yours. Your hands instantly tangle in his curls as he deepened the kiss.

"We need to get out of this bath," he said, still kissing you.

"And why's that?"

"I'm going to go insane in a minute if we stay in here any longer," he said as he climbed out of the bath and held up a towel for you. You climbed out and he wrapped the towel around your body, his lips meeting yours and your hands playing with the hairs on the back of his neck.

He picked you up, his lips never leaving yours before carrying you to the bedroom and gently laying you on the bed.

"Where were we?" He asked before reconnecting your lips, his hand grabbing your hip.

You smiled against his lips as he leaned over your hands traced up and down his back causing him to shiver. He groaned before kissing you deeper, his other hand cupping your cheek.

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