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"Y/N we have granted you permission to go to earth and live your life amongst the humans. If there are any problems, do not hesitate to let us know. Remember the cardinal rule?"

"Do not fall in love with an angel?" you said and the council nodded.

"Have fun on earth!" they said and you nodded. You went back to your apartment and began to pack up your things before moving to the surface.

You began to move the boxes into the apartment they granted you when you heard a cough behind you. You turned to see a man standing behind you, waving.

"See you found your way here safely?" Derrick asked and you laughed before running over and wrapping your arms around him.

"How have you been?" he asked and you grinned.

"I'm a lot better now that I've been granted permission to be up here," you said as you continued to move boxes inside.

"What you going to do now you're up here? Going to become a famous actor like you've been telling me for the last millennia?" he asked and you both laughed.

"You never know"


"Thank you Y/N for being here with us today!" the interviewer said and you smiled at her.

"Thank you for having me," you said as she flicked through her cards.

"You've just finished filming your new movie, can you tell us a bit about it?"

"Well my character finds themselves trying to get back their sons we saw her lose and will go to any extent to get them back"

"And am I right that it's part of the new phase within the Marvel Universe?"

"It is, it's very exciting going from the Captain America movies to having a film with my face on it! That's my face!" you exclaimed as you turned and pointed at a large poster with your face on it.

"I hope you enjoy the film and thank you again for speaking to us!"

"Thank you!" you said before walking to the carpet to take a couple of pictures.

"If I knew you were going to turn into a crazy witch I'd have chatted you up to the brothers a lot sooner" you heard a voice say and you turned to see Millie Bobby Brown standing behind you.

You smiled and ran over, embracing her in a tight hug.

"Mills you came," you said as you hugged each other.

"Of course, I came! I need to see my best friend as a magic witch ya know. Got to get my inspiration for crazy somehow" she said and you laughed, holding onto her still.

"I'll just come to set and give you training" you joked and you both laughed.

"Fantastic! I'll let the brothers know!" she said and you laughed again.

You both posed for some pictures before walking inside.

"They aren't looking for powerful ass-kicking witches but they are looking for some kick-ass characters for the next season and I've put your name forward," Millie said as you took your seats.

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