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"Eddie what are we doing here?" you asked as his van pulled up outside the shop. He wiggled his eyebrows before jumping out of the van and ran round to your side, flinging the door open.

"Come on sweetheart," he said, taking ahold of your hand as you jumped out of the van. He pulled you into the shop, jumping around like an excited child. You realised where you were when the walls were covered in drawings.

"Eddie, why are we at a tattoo shop?"

"I'm getting something I should have gotten a long time ago," he said, pressing kisses on your forehead.

"Eddie! Want to come to confirm the design?" the tattoo artist called and Eddie ran off, blowing kisses in your direction. You stood there for a few seconds before Eddie came back and grabbed your hand, dragging you behind him.

"My girl doesn't know what I'm getting so don't show her," Eddie said as he removed his shirt and laid down on the bench. You looked at him confused but all he did is grin at you. He kissed your knuckles as you sat right next to him, his other arm laying behind his head.

"Eddie, what are you getting?" you asked as his hand gripped yours, his knuckles turning white as the tattoo artist began tattooing.

"You'll see sweetheart"

"I know you joked about getting my name on your arse but I can tell from how he's tattooing your chest that it's not my name on your arse," you said and he laughed loudly, you laughing along with him.

"That's for another day," he said, holding your hand to his mouth.

During the tattoo, he kept randomly kissing your hand and knuckles. His eyes never left yours, smiling at you. His hand kept cupping your cheek, his brown eyes sparkling.

"All done mate. Look in the mirror, tell me what you think" the artist said and Eddie jumped up and ran to the mirror. He was so excited.

"It's perfect. Sweetheart look!" he said as he came running over to you, showing off his new tattoo.

Right over his heart was a small black heart with your name written inside.

You looked up shocked as he grinned down at you.

"Eddie that's my name"

"In a heart over my heart. Where you belong" he said, cupping your face. He kissed you gently before heading off to get wrapped. He came back over, the tattoo now covered.

"I can't believe that you got my name tattooed on you," you said in disbelief as he paid the man and you both left.

"I can't believe it took me this long to get your name tattooed on me. First of many" he grinned and you shook your head.

"Eddie that is on you forever," you said, stopping beside the van.

"I know. I don't want to spend a moment without you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I want to spend forever with you" he said, cupping your face and making you look at him.

"I can't picture my life without you. You are my girl. You come to my DND games, my rehearsals, my gigs, everything. You are my entire universe baby" you threw your arms around his neck, burying your head in his neck. He laughed as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you closer to him.

"I love you, sweetheart," he said, squeezing you which made you laugh.

"I love you, Eddie"

You both stood there for a while before Eddie set you down on the ground and grinned at you. He pressed a kiss to your lips before sliding off one of his rings and sliding it onto your finger.

"They always look so much better on you" he murmured, raising your hand and kissing your knuckles.

"I'm going to marry you one day. And we are going to run out of this town and it'll be just us. Just you and me" he said, your eyes starting to tear up at his words.

"Oh yeah? Marry me?" you said and he grinned.

"Why do you think I keep putting my rings on you?" he said, grabbing your hips as he peppered your face with kisses.

"Come on loverboy. It's going to be a few tough weeks for you" you said and he looked at you shocked.

"Tough weeks?"

"I can't kiss your chest in case I get your tattoo infected," you said as you looked at him, he hadn't moved as you climbed into the van.

"No, you can! You can kiss the other side or around it" he said, his eyes wide and begging.

"It might be too risky darling"

He ran around the van and jumped in before grabbing both your hands and turning his full body towards you.

"Baby, please. You know how much I like your kisses" he said, kissing both your hands frantically.

You leant over and kisses the corner of his mouth gently. He turned to look at you for a second before you kissed him again. He cupped your face as you leaned closer.

He pouted when you pulled away.

"Let's get home and we can see about those kisses," you said, kissing his cheek multiple times causing him to giggle before turning the van on and speeding out of the car park and towards his trailer.

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