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This is a continuation of another Eddie Munson part so make sure to read that one before this one! There won't be another part, this is the final part!


You'd never seen Eddie drive so fast. He had one hand squeezing your thigh as he drove but he never once looked away.

"Eddie, we need to get there in one piece," you said, leaning over and touching his arm gently.

He jumped at your touch before looking over at you and slowing down slightly.

"Sorry sweetheart. I got distracted"

"Haven't even rolled any dice and you're distracted?" you asked as you leaned over and kissed his jaw gently. He groaned, squeezing your thigh as you kissed up and down his jaw as he drove.

"You aren't helping," he said breathlessly and you chuckled in his ear, making him shiver.

"Sorry baby, would you like me to stop?" you whispered and he shook his head, looking at the road, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

You continued to kiss down his neck as he groaned next to you before turning down the road for the trailer park. You sat back down as he stopped outside the trailer and jumped out. He ran to your side and opened the door before grabbing you and running inside the trailer, making you giggle.

"Eddie," you said as he threw you on the bed and stood there, staring at you.

"Roll the dice," he said and you laughed before sitting on the bed. You patted a spot opposite you and he sat down, looking at you intensely.

"If I roll over 10 you remove a piece of clothing and if you roll over a 10 I remove a piece of clothing," you said as you pulled the D20 out of the bag and handed it to him.

He smirked at you before throwing the dice in the dice tray. You watched as it rolled and landed on a 5, his eyes going wide.

"My turn" you smirked at him as you picked up the dice and shook it in your hands, Eddie watching your every move.

You threw the dice and watched as it landed on 11. You smiled at him as he looked at you in disbelief.

"Better remove something hot stuff," you said as he sighed and removed his jacket, exposing his arms and tattoos.

Eddie picked up the dice and rolled. 17.

"Take something off" he grinned as you kicked your trainers off much to his dismay.

"That's cheating!"

"You didn't say what I had to remove so I removed my trainers," you said as you picked up the dice and rolled a 6.

This went on for a while.

Eddie rolled a 9 and threw his head back in frustration.

You rolled an 11 and watched as he also removed his trainers.

Eddie rolled a 19 and grinned as you removed your shirt, his eyes going wide and never leaving your figure.

You rolled a 15 and he also removed his shirt.

"Don't be copying me Munson?" you said as he picked up the dice and rolled a nat 20.

"That is a 20! That's got to be worth 2 pieces of clothing!" he said and you thought for a second before agreeing, knowing it would only frustrate him more.

"Sure," you said as you removed your socks and skirt. He sat there, mouth agape as you sat in front of him in only your underwear.

You picked up the dice and rolled, landing 19 and Eddie removed his socks, his cheeks pink and clearly frustrated.

Eddie picked up the dice and rolled a 1.

"Does that mean I can put something back on?" you asked, teasing him.

"NO!" he said as he became even more frustrated.

You picked up the dice and watched as you also rolled a nat 20. You grinned at him as he looked at you speechless.

"Seems I win Munson, you going to remove them or what?" you said as Eddie stood up, removing his jeans and his boxers.

He sat back down on the bed and you crawled over to him, climbing in his lap as your wrapped your legs around him and your arms around his neck.

"You doing okay baby?"

"I can't believe I lost," he said as you smiled and kissed down his neck and onto his shoulders. His hands found your sides and squeezed as he moaned at the feeling of your lips on his body.

"I mean I wouldn't say you lost, you got me here in my underwear," you said as you cupped his face with one of your hands.

"I did get you into your underwear"

"You can always remove them"

"Please don't make me roll for that," he said and you laughed.

"Why don't you show me what you've got dungeon master?" you said and he grabbed your hips tightly at the mention of the name.

"I'm going to do more than that," he said as he kissed you hungrily, tangling his hands in your hair.

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