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"I am Y/F/N"

"I am Joseph Quinn, her husband"

"I am Jamie Campbell Bower, also her husband"

"And today we are here to answer some questions from Buzzfeed," Joseph said.

"Whilst we play with puppies," you said as you pulled a card from the deck.

"Joseph, you have spoken about your friendship with Gaten on set but who was your favourite person?" You read out and looked at him as he played with a puppy.

"This is embarrassing but it's Y/N. Thankfully our friendship has exceeded the sets. She's one of my greatest friends" he said as he smiled at you.

"I don't know how I put up with you but somehow I do. I think it's your smile" you said and he laughed as he picked up a puppy off the floor.



"You have admitted in previous interviews of having a crush on a fellow cast member but never said who, fancy telling us now the season has finished filming?" Joseph asked and you turned bright red, hiding your face in the small dog you were holding.

"Oh my goodness"

"I'd love to know the answer to this" Joseph said and you threw a squeaky burger toy at him.

"I'm sure you would but it's a shame you won't"

"You have to tell us Y/N. We are your husbands" Jamie said and you laughed.

"You guys joke about being my husbands but some people think you're serious. I've had people ask me who exactly I'm married to and if you've both proposed. It's crazy" you said and they both laughed.

"Jamie. You say you're married to Y/N. How did you propose?" Joseph read and you fell back on the floor.

"As if"

"I'm messing"

"Joseph!" You said as you sat back upright and looked at him.

"Jamie. You and Joseph have become close friends on set, why do you think this is?"

"Me and Joseph have become good friends on set and off set due to the fact we are both amazing and we are constantly fighting over Y/N here. We love to wind her up and fight for her love and hopefully, she'll pick one of us" he said as you groaned and Joseph laughed.

"You do both wind me up and it drives me crazy"

You picked up a card and stopped. You looked into the camera before back down at the paper.

"Joseph you said in an interview recently that you and Y/N have started dating. Where was your first date?" You read as you stared at him.

"Oh shit"

"Is this how I find out you guys are dating?" Jamie said and you looked at him.

"Y/N," Joseph said and you looked back at him.

"Answer the question, Joseph," you said and he looked at you with wide eyes. He looked at you confused and you gave him a small nod.

"I took Y/N out for dinner on our first date at the beginning of stranger things season 4. We have been dating ever since"

"And I've known the whole time!" Jamie shouted as he pointed at all the cameras.

Joseph reached over and took ahold of your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.

"I can't believe you let it slip in an interview!" You said and he ran his hand through his hair.

"It was the interview you didn't come to," he said and you groaned.

"Of course, it was," you said and you all laughed.

"Thank you, Buzzfeed for your questions and the puppies and hopefully we will be back soon!" Joseph said and you all waved at the cameras.

"Y/N, I will win you back," Jamie said and you all laughed.

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