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"He's going to kill me" Eddie muttered as he pulled his jacket.

"He isn't going to kill you"

"He 100% is," Eddie said as you knocked on the door.

You pulled Eddie's jacket and smiled at him. He'd swapped his hellfire shirt for a plain black one in hopes to impress your dad.

"Sweetie!" your dad said as he opened the door and smiled at you.

"Dad!" you said as you walked over and hugged him tightly.

You pulled away and held your hand towards Eddie.

"Dad this is Eddie, my boyfriend. Eddie this is my dad" you said and Eddie stood next to you, holding his hand out to your dad.

"Nice to meet you, Sir," he said as they shook hands.

"Do come in, can't have you both freezing on my doorstep" your father said as you both walked inside and took your coats off.

"I made Y/N's favourite so I hope you don't mind," your dad said as you all walked into the kitchen.

"Don't mind at all Sir," Eddie said as he stood beside you, one of his arms wrapped around your waist.

"You don't need to call me Sir. Call me Y/FA/N" he said and Eddie nodded, looking at you with a smile.

"Grab a plate kids," your father said as he began to dish up dinner for the 3 of you.

You all made your way to the dinner table and sat down, you and Eddie sitting opposite each other as your dad sat at the head of the table.

"So Eddie, Y/N tells me your doing well in school, what are you planning on doing when you graduate?" your father asked and Eddie looked up at you.

"I'm hoping to go on tour with my band but I am looking at getting a job so I can get a place of my own" Eddie said and your father nodded as you smiled at Eddie.

"Would you take Y/N with you?"

"Dad don't ask Eddie questions like that," you said as you looked at your father but Eddie nodded.

"I plan on taking Y/N with me everywhere if she'll let me. I'll take her wherever she wants to go" Eddie said as you smiled at each other lovingly.

"You working?"


"I'm currently working at family video part-time and the music store part-time," Eddie said and your dad nodded.

"And you still have time to see Y/N?"

"I make time to see her. She's the most important thing in my life so I will always make time for her" Eddie said as he reached across the table and took hold of your hand gently.

"It sounds like you care about my daughter a lot"

"I really do. She's incredible"

You all finished dinner, Eddie sneaking looks at you now and then.

You and your father were in the kitchen he spoke quietly to you.

"I like him," he said, acting as if he didn't say anything. You turned and looked at him shocked.


"I like him. He seems nice and he cares about you a lot" your father said as he pulled his coffee mug out of the cupboard.

You threw your arms around him as he chuckled.

"Thank you dad"

"Don't let him hurt you"

"He wouldn't dream of it dad"

You walked into the lounge and held your hand out to Eddie who took it quickly, rushing to your side. You walked up the stairs, him following closely, still holding your hand tightly.

You walked into your room and closed the door, Eddie making himself at home on your bed.

"He likes you," you said and Eddie rushed forward and hugged you tightly.

"Oh thank fuck for that"


"I'd be heartbroken if he didn't like me," he said as he leaned back, cupping your face with one of his hands.

"I told you he would like you"

"I know but I really wanted him to like me"

"It's a good thing that he does then doesn't it?"

"Does this mean I don't have to sneak through the window anymore?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows as he backed you towards the bed.

"I think you're getting ahead of yourself," you said as he hovered above you, grinning down at you.

"I don't think so," he said as he leaned down and kissed you gently.

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