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You heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Joseph standing there.

"Hello handsome," you said, grabbing your bag and closing the door behind you as you left. You locked the door and turned to see Joseph standing there, smiling at you. You opened your arms wide and he laughed before running over and spinning you around.

"You ready?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he set you down.

"I'm ready for this very mysterious date," you said as you both walked over to his car and he opened the door. You smiled at him before climbing in and he closed the door behind you before running around to his side.

"I hope you enjoy today," he said nervously as he set off towards your destination.

"Of course, I will Joe, how can I not? You planned a whole date" you said and he smiled over at you.

After a while of driving, he pulled into a car park. He jumped out of the car and ran round to your side, opening the door for you and offering you his hand. You took his hand as he pulled you out of the car.

He opened the boot and pulled out a cooler and blanket before turning to you.

"Can I be cheeky and ask you to carry the basket?" he said and you laughed before taking the basket from him.

"Lead the way, Mr Quinn," you said and he laughed before taking your hand and walking.

You walked into a garden and were instantly surrounded by flowers everywhere. You looked around in amazement before looking at Joseph.

"How did you find this?" you asked as you both continued to walk.

"I hunted high and low," he said laughing before turning to you and smiling; "a gentleman never tells"

"Jamie?" you asked and he nodded, looking at you in disbelief.

"I can never get anything past you," he said and you laughed.

"He messaged me saying he hopes we have a good time" you explained and he laughed; shaking his head.

"Of course he did"

"He told me nothing don't worry, just that he hopes we have a good time"

Joseph suddenly stopped and looked around before nodding.

"This is the spot," he said as he laid the blanket down on the grass and patted it; indicating you to sit down.


He placed the basket next to you and began to open everything and place it all out before looking at you shyly.

"Joseph; did you bring me on a picnic?" You asked quietly, not believing what you were seeing in front of you.

"I did, I thought it would be a nice day out, just me and you. If you don't like it we can do-"

You cut Joseph off by throwing your arms around him, knocking him onto the grass behind him.

"I love it!" You said, planting a couple of kisses on his cheek as he turned red.

"I was really worried for a second that you hated it and I didn't know what to do," he said as his arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into his lap. He buried his head in your neck as you sat there for a second, just enjoying each other's company.

"What have you got here then?" You asked after a while and he grinned. You tried to climb out of his lap but he pulled you back.

"Just for a few more minutes. I brought sandwiches, crisps, some snacky bits, drinks and some mini trifles because I know how much you love trifles" he said and you laughed.

"I do love trifle"

"You are going to have to free me so I was eating," you said and he sighed before letting your waist go so you could sit down. You sat right next to him, placing your hand on his leg. He took hold of your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles.

"I hope you enjoy sweetheart," he said as he passed you a paper plate and began to tuck in.

After a while of eating and making jokes, you and Joseph had packed everything away and you were just relaxing.

You sat on the blanket with his head in your lap as you absentmindedly played with his hair. He had closed his eyes and was just enjoying the feeling of you playing with his hair; never wanting the moment to end.

"I love you sweetheart," he said as he opened one eye and squinted at you with a grin.

"I love you more"

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now