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The carriage pulled into the gates of the Denmark palace and you looked out the window.

The carriage stopped and Paul climbed out before turning and offering you his hand. You smiled as you took his hand and climbed out of the carriage.

"Princess Y/N!" you heard and turned to see Prince Thomas making his way over to you. You smiled and bowed and he kissed your hand.

"Did you have a safe journey?" he asked and you smiled.

"I did thank you. Prince Paul kept me company for the journey" you said as you turned and looked at Paul.

"Prince Paul, thank you for attending as well," Thomas said as he half-heartedly smiled at Paul.

"Thank you for the invitation," Paul said as he stood behind you.

The air was awkward and uncomfortable and you wanted to escape them.

"How about Princess Y/N goes to her room to freshen up after a long journey?" Harry suggested and you sighed internally with relief.

"Good idea. One of the maids will show you to your room" Thomas said and you smiled.

"Was it just me or was that very awkward?" you asked Harry and he nodded.

"It was your highness. Very awkward"

"It is going to be an interesting couple of days"

"I did hear that Prince Thomas was considering proposing to you," Harry said and you turned to him shocked.


"He has invited you to get to know you better. It is why you and Prince Paul are the only guests to stay in the palace. He tried to place Prince Paul on the other side of the palace but I insisted he be placed in a room next to you" Harry said and you nodded.

"Thank you. I would not feel comfortable having Paul on the other side of the palace" you said and he nodded.

"Your room your highness," the maid said as she opened the door and bowed to you.

"Thank you very much," you said as you and Harry walked inside your room. He closed the door behind you both before turning to you.

"I must ask, how is it going with Prince Paul?" he asked as you fell back on the bed.

"It is going okay I guess. He is more bearable but I still do not know if I wish to marry him. I know it would be good for Scotland but I know mother and father also wish for me to marry someone I want to be with" you said, looking at the ceiling.

"I did not wish to stay here but Thomas insisted and I didn't know how to decline without upsetting someone"

"I would have found a reason"

"I know Harry. It is why I had myself and Paul pack as lightly as possible so that if it came to it, we could leave in a rush"

"You do not wish for all your items to be unpacked?" Harry asked and you shook your head.

"No. I want to be able to leave as quickly as possible if need be" you said and he nodded.

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