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Holy crap!

Thank you for 84K!!

I shall be opening requests soon so keep your eyes open! 👁👄👁

Much love 😘


"Arthur what on earth happened?" you asked as you pulled him inside your home.

Your hands flew up to his cheeks as you cupped his face. He took one look at you before bursting into tears and wrapping his arms around you.

"Please help me Y/N"

"Arthur, what is wrong?"

"I have gotten myself stuck in a situation I can't seem to get myself out of"

"Why have you not come to me sooner?"

"I did not know how. I am embarrassed that I have allowed myself to end up here as it is"

"Arthur. Let me help" you said as you held him tightly. You felt him nod as his arms tightened around you.

"Please save me" he mumbled quietly and your heart dropped.

"Talk to me Arthur"

"I enlisted the help of a man to get me what is rightfully mine and instead he is holding me, hostage" he cried and you gasped as you cradled his head.

"Arthur, what have you done?" You asked.

You rubbed his back and he gasped from your touch. You pulled away and looked at him concerned.

"Remove your shirt," you said and his eyes widened.

"I uh"

"Now Arthur," you said as you began to remove it yourself.

You turned him around and gasped as you saw the cuts on his back.

"Arthur, has he done this?" You asked and you gently reached out and touched the cuts.

He fell to his knees and you rushed forwards, cupping his face as you wiped the tears.

"Arthur you will stay here. You will stay by my side at all times. I want to know who has done this" you said as he looked at you with sad eyes.


"You can tell me when you are ready. But you are to not stay anywhere else. I want you here with me" you said and he nodded.

"We will go to collect whatever belongings you have together and we will return here. Together" you said and he looked at you wide-eyed.

"I will not take you there"

"You will Arthur. You must" you said as you stood up and pulled him from the ground. You helped him put his shirt back on and pulled on his coat.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now