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You pulled back slightly to look at him. You smiled sadly as you reached up and cupped his face gently.

"Oh, my love," you said as he smiled down at you.

"I take it my girl has been having a hard time?" He asked and you nodded.

"What happened?" you asked as he planted a kiss on your forehead.

"I just woke up inside the upside down and slowly made my way back. I couldn't get through the gate at the van so I had to find another one. Then when I came back I saw the funeral cars and you were upset I was confused and stayed back and when I saw you at the diner I wanted to run over and hold you but I saw Steve and I didn't want to freak you out" Eddie said and you laughed.

"Didn't go well"

"No. Turns out I freaked you out regardless. But I don't know how I am alive except for one thing"

"What's that?"

Eddie grinned at you and you noticed his teeth.


"I think I am a vampire"

"Now you're taking the piss," you said as you tried to wiggle from his arms but he tightened his grip making it impossible.

"I am stronger darling. I don't sleep. I have these vamp teeth now" he said as he pressed kisses against your neck, his teeth dragging across your skin.

He groaned before throwing his head back and looking at you.


He picked you up effortlessly and carried you over to his bed before dropping you on it.

"I don't know. It's weird" he said as he hovered over you.

"Eddie I saw you get bitten by all those bats," you said and he nodded before removing his shirt and laying beside you.

You rolled over and climbed on top of him and gently traced over his scars. He moaned as he threw his head back on the bed.

"I don't know what you're doing but I'm going to throw you on this bed in a minute if you continue"

"I'm tracing your scars"

"It feels like you're doing so much more"

You grinned as you shifted yourself and slowly kissed his scars, his moans getting louder.

"Fuck me"

"I have a feeling that your senses are heightened," you said and he nodded.

"Oh we are testing this out," he said as he grabbed your hips and turned you both over so he was hovering above you.

"Testing this out?"

"Darling I have been away from you for what feels like an eternity. I miss the feeling of being close to you. Feeling your skin. Your warmth. I'm addicted to you" he said as he placed kisses along your neck.

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