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"Y/N!" Eddie screamed, frantically running around the upside down looking for you. He grabbed the spear and shield off the floor before kicking the caravan door open and running out.

"Y/N BABY PLEASE!" he screamed again. This wasn't happening. He'd told you to stay behind and to wait for him and then he turned and you were gone.

He saw a swarm of bats and heard you scream in pain.

"Y/N!" he cried and ran over. He watched as you dropped to the floor as the bats flew away. He fell at your side, pulling you into his arms as the tears fell.

"Eddie?" you asked as you slowly opened your eyes.

"Hello baby," he said, cupping your face and pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"There's my handsome boyfriend," you said and he chuckled shaking his head.

"Even at this moment you're still complimenting me," he said and you grinned.

"I have to let you know how handsome you are, can't have you forgetting," you said, coughing afterwards and cringing from the pain.

"Sweetheart I could never forget you telling me every second of the day. You take it easy. I'm gonna pick you up alright and get you some help" he said as he slipped one arm under your legs and one under your arms. As he went to pick you up you cried out in pain making him stop.

"I know it hurts sweetheart but I've got to get you out of here and get you some help," he said and you nodded. He tried again, this time you screamed in pain making his eyes water at the sound.

He stood still for a few seconds as you adjusted before nodding. He took a couple of steps before you started whimpering from the pain.

"Eddie baby, you aren't going to be able to get me through that gate without causing me even more pain, just set me down on the bed please," you said, smiling at him sadly. He nodded slowly before setting you down on the bed inside the caravan.

"I'm going to find a way okay? I am going to find a way to get you back to the other side" he said as he began pacing around the room frantically.

"Eddie baby, come here," you said, reaching your hand out as you coughed up some blood.

He took a seat next to you, holding one of your hands as your other hand caressed his face.

"I love you so much Eddie," you said and he began frantically shaking his head and he began to cry.

"I love you but I am going to get you out of here. I am not leaving you here"

"Eddie, it's too late. They've done too much damage. I'd never survive the fall" you said, his hands shaking and he held your hand up to his lips.

"It can't be. I need you Y/N, I need you" he begged and you smiled at him sadly.

"Kiss me, Eddie," you said and he gently pressed his lips to yours. He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.

"Eddie just remember I love you," you said, and he sat there smiling as you took your last breath.

"Y/N?" he asked and gently shook you. He began to panic when you didn't respond.

"Y/N!!! Y/N BABY, PLEASE WAKE UP" he screamed, tears falling as he gasped for air.


He bolted upright, tears flowing down his face as he gasped for air.

"Eddie darling?" you asked, gently placing your hand on his shoulder. He slowly turned to see you sitting there, able to feel your warmth and touch.

"Y/N?" he asked quietly as he reached out towards you. As soon as his hand made contact with your arm he burst into tears, shocking you.

"Hey hey hey darling, come here," you said as you pulled him into your chest. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly as if you were doing to disappear.

"My darling do you want to talk about it?" you asked after a while. His breathing had slowed down and he was silent in your arms but you knew he was still shaken.

"I had a nightmare," he said quietly and you held him tighter, pressing kisses onto the top of his head.

Ever since fighting in the upside-down Eddie had nightmares. They were always horrible and left him shaken for a few days after but he'd never been affected like this before. They were always worse when you weren't there but you'd never seen him have a nightmare this bad.

"Want to tell me about it? You're safe here darling" you said, stroking his head gently.

"I had a nightmare that you died in my arms in the upside-down and that I couldn't save you," he said as he clutched the shirt you were wearing.

"I'm going to get you some water, I'll be right back," you said as you got up out of bed.

"NO!" Eddie shouted, causing you to jump and look at him.

"Eddie?" you asked, walking back to him. You stood at the edge of the bed as he sat there, looking at you terrified. You stood between his legs as you tilted his face to look at you. You stroked his face, wiping the tears away before kissing his forehead. He wrapped his arms around your waist and cuddled into you.

"Eddie I love you, I'm only going to the kitchen, I'll be okay," you said gently and Eddie shook his head.

"Please don't leave me," he said quietly, clutching you.

You pulled away, taking his hand and pulling him into the kitchen with you. You made him sit on the side as you got a glass of water and handed it to him. He pulled you to stand between his legs, wrapping them around you. You chuckled, resting your hands on his bare thighs.

He sat there, one hand holding yours and one hand holding the glass as he drank it, his eyes never leaving yours. He placed the glass on the side before taking hold of your other hand and holding them both up to his lips as he kissed them gently.

"Let's go back to bed yeah?" you asked and he nodded slowly. He climbed off the side, his hands never leaving yours as you both made your way back to bed.

You both climbed into bed but it wasn't enough for Eddie.

"Can you hold me please?" he asked so quietly you almost didn't hear him. You let him climb between your legs, resting his head on your chest, his arms wrapping around your waist. Your hands went to his back, just tracing random shapes. This seemed to relax Eddie as he let out a deep sigh and the tension in his shoulders went away.

"I'm safe Eddie. You're safe. I know that you won't let anything hurt me. There is no danger here" you said, pressing kisses to his temple.

"Only love?" he asked, grinning at you cheekily, making you laugh.

"I'm glad you're feeling a bit better," you said as he nuzzled into you.

"I have my girl here with me, safe, holding me, showering me with kisses, how could I not be feeling better? I am literally in my own personal heaven" he said, his voice getting slower towards the end.

"Sleep well my love," you said, kissing his forehead as you also drifted off to sleep.

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