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I want to dedicate this chapter and my next couple of stories to a couple of people

ariiiwritesbooks CrowsFate welovepregnantturtle bobbiimorgan edgdolan_ Mrs_Matt_Dillon_ Seaofthespirit lizvvblack Jas_101 chelscass22 mailhew whyamihere000008 munsonsfavbinary EddieMunsonsBitch69 littleboyace heavenlyhannah abcdefg123t0m carlsjr16 lexxstormm rvlution steveshusband66

I want to thank you guys for your support. It means a lot ☺️ much love to you all, forever and eternally grateful ❤️❤️❤️❤️



"Jamie, can I ask you a question?" Joseph asked as he approached him on set.

"Of course"

"What happens if Hell banishes Y/N?" Joseph asked and Jamie froze before taking a deep breath.

"If Hell chooses to banish Y/N, they will go through the most painful transition of their life. They will have to transition to human and it could even kill them"

"Kill them?"

"Depending on how old the demon is, the more powerful the transition will be"

"How old is Y/N?"

"I have known Y/N for around 1000 years. But I know they are older than that. The transition would be excruciating and their human body may not survive. They would lose all demon abilities and we wouldn't be able to help them with any demon or angel abilities" Jamie explained and Joseph stood there horrified.


"Yes, they would most likely not survive the transition. I know they hold a very high position in Hell so that might be to their benefit"

"A high position?"

"I remember about 500 years ago there was a rumour that Y/N was a descendent of the Throne. Then there was a rumour that they were the daughter of the most powerful demon ever to exist and they have always been treated highly. Like royalty but nobody truly knows but Y/N" Jamie said and Joseph looked over at you as you chased Millie and Gaten around the set.

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now