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"Hey Princess," Eddie said as he walked over to you and kissed your forehead. You smiled up at him as he pressed a kiss on your lips.

"Do you want a drink?" he asked as he walked towards the kitchen of his caravan. At this point, you pretty much lived with Eddie. He used to come and stay at yours all the time but your parents weren't the most welcoming of Eddie so it was easier just to come to Eddie. Plus, you both felt a lot more comfortable at his.

"Can I have a can of coke, please? Could you grab my black nail polish as well please?" you called out. After a few minutes of muttering and cursing Eddie emerged with drinks and nail polish. He passed you the polish and your drink before falling on the sofa next to you and turning the tv on.

After a little while of painting your nails, you noticed Eddie's attention was no longer on the tv and was instead on you. You looked up, catching his eyes causing him to blush and look away sheepishly.

"You okay Eddie?" you asked as you began applying your second coat.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if you could paint my nails for me?" he asked shyly. You grinned at him before moving to sit in front of him on the floor. You took his hand and began to paint his nails carefully.

Eddie used to paint his nails but it always looked a mess so he stopped. And then he met you. And he'd watched you paint your nails numerous times and always wanted to ask but never did. He never knew how you could paint both your hands and then be tidy and professional-looking and you'd always told him "Practice makes perfect" but half the time he put it down to witchcraft.

"I've been wondering when you were going to ask," you said and he looked at you shocked


"You forget when we first met you always had painted nails. I'd always see you picking away at them and then you progressed onto drawing on your hands, and then on my hands" you said chuckling as he smiled at the memory.

"I didn't mean to draw on your hand. I got so caught up in drawing that I just grabbed your hand and began drawing and I didn't notice until you said my name. You let me draw on you for ages"

"You pretty much covered my entire hand in your doodles"

"I remember seeing you the rest of the day everywhere with my drawings on your arm and I melted every single time"

"I didn't want to wash it off. I seriously debated getting it tattooed and then I just offered you my arm every time and it worked out great" you said, looking up and smiling at him.

"You offering me your arm in every class and smiling at me gave me the courage to ask you out. I never thought you'd want to go out with me"

"You were and still are the sweetest guy I know. There is no way I was ever going to say no to you. I died when you finally asked me" you said, cheeks going pink.

"Who would have thought the hottest girl in school Y/F/N would ever end up with Eddie "The Freak" Munson," he said chuckling and you shook your head.

"You are not a freak Eddie. You are ridiculously hot but not a freak" you said and he grinned.

"You painting my nails makes everything so much harder," he said as he leaned down and pressed a kiss on your forehead.


"I can't touch you in any way without getting nail polish everywhere. I can't even touch your face without worrying about getting the polish on your face" he said and you chuckled.

You stood up off the floor and leaned down, pressing your lips to his. He kissed back and then groaned causing you to pull away.

"You, okay?" you asked and he nodded.

"I went to grab your face and then realised I can't," he said, throwing his head back in frustration. You laughed softly before climbing into his lap and cupping his face. He looked at you lovingly before smiling.

"I love you"

"I love you too," you said before kissing him again. You could feel the frustration of him not being able to use his hands as he flailed his hands around before kissing you deeper. You pulled away and smiled at him softly.

"At least we have matching nails now," you said and he chuckled.

"I'm gonna have to give you some of my rings, make you look even hotter," he said smirking before kissing you.

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