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"Eddie please sit still my love," you said as he moved again as he sat on the sofa in the lounge.

"It hurts"

"It will hurt less if you move less," you said as you cupped his face as he smiled at you.

He sighed before leaning forward to rest his head on you but you jumped back causing him to look up at you sadly.

"You are not getting blood on my shirt," you said and he groaned before throwing his head backwards.

You walked to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid box before walking back over and looking at the large cut on Eddie's head.

"How did you do it?" you asked as you opened the box.

"I thought it would be really cool if I could swing my guitar round my neck and catch it but instead swung it too much and threw myself into the wall and now I'm bleeding," he said as he sat forward and put his hands on your hips.

"How are you still alive?" you asked and he laughed as he looked up at you with a smile.

"I have you to keep me alive"

you chuckled at him before pulling out a disinfectant wipe and began to clean the cut as Eddie winced at the pain.

"My brave boy," you said as you kissed his cheek.

"You're very far away," he said as he pulled you closer to him.

"I'm not far away"

"Hold on," he said as he moved backwards on the sofa before pulling you onto his lap, your legs on either side of him.


"Much better. Now you're close handsome" he said as he grinned at you.

"You're lucky I love you," you said as you pulled a plaster out of the box and gently put it over his cut.

"Do I look badass now?" he asked as he wrapped his arms tighter around you.

"You always look badass"

"Going to have to fight everyone away," he said and you looked at him unimpressed.

"Fight everyone away?"

"Shit no. I don't want those people. I want you. My sweetheart. My handsome man"


"I want you and you only my love I promise. Fuck everyone else" he said as he pulled your face down to look at him.

"Is that so?"

"Promise. I am solely devoted to you. I love you" he said as he peppered your face with kisses.

"You're lucky I love you too otherwise I'd kick your ass"

"Is it bad that I would enjoy it?"


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