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Just a quick thank you for 69K reads ☺️

I hope you've enjoyed when I've published so far and enjoy what's to come!

Much love x


"Why is Joseph so grumpy today?" Gaten asked you as you stood off to the side watching.

"I don't know. He got plenty of sleep so I don't really know" you said as you watched Joseph.

You walked towards him as he came offset. He saw you coming towards him and walked really quickly over to you, pulling you into a tight hug.

"Baby what's going on?" You said as he laid his head on your shoulder. You began playing with the hair on his head whilst embracing him tightly.

"It's silly," he said quietly and you shook your head.

"Nothing is silly baby, you can tell me anything," you said and he sighed before standing upright and looking deeply into your eyes.

"I didn't get a good morning kiss" he mumbled quietly and you looked at him confused.

"Louder Joseph"

"I didn't get a good morning kiss," he said and you smiled at him gently. You cupped one of his cheeks and he instantly leaned into your touch. He pulled you closer as his arms tightened around your waist.

"You've been grumpy all morning because you didn't get a good morning kiss?" You asked and he nodded shyly.

"It's silly I know"

"It's not. Maybe a little bit" you said laughing lightly as he smiled at you.

"I just like getting morning kisses from you and when I didn't get one my whole day was ruined," he said as he rested his forehead against yours.

"How can I make you feel better?"

"A guess a couple of kisses would make me feel much better," he said and you laughed.

You kissed him gently as his hands squeezed your sides gently. You pulled away but he instantly kissed you again, addicted to the feeling.

Kissing you always made his day. He was addicted to being close to you and the feeling of your lips on his made his head spin.

After a couple more kisses he grinned down at you with bright eyes.

"I can't get enough of you," he said as he peppered your face with light kisses.

"You drive me crazy," he said cupping your face as he looked at you lovingly.

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