Welcome [Closed]

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Hello, citizens of Wattpadem!

We of Author_Games would like to welcome you to our newest Games; Memoranda of Terror. Now, unlike in recent times, we will be reverting to a normal, classic format for this Games, with two tributes from every district, One to Twelve (Thirteen and Capitol may be added if the spaces fill quickly). The Games will be run as normal, and for those of you who have never taken part in an Author Games before, please read the Handbook on our profile. Actually, everybody do that.

We will also be trialling a new voting system which we are calling Gamemaker's Choice, but more on that when the Games begin.

The method for reserving tributes is also slightly different. You may only reserve one tribute at a time. Once that tribute is done, you may reserve another, and there are no limits on district or gender. When reserving, please read the other comments below to ensure that we don't have to tell you to make any changes.

Reserve a tribute by commenting below. When you have filled in the form, please send it to us BY PM. This is for copy-paste purposes, since none of us have access to the original email account.

Please keep your tributes realistic, both physically and mentally. Though as Gamemakers we are unbiased, if we don't feel like a tribute could exist in real life then we are more likely to punish them under the Gamemaker's Choice system.

All tributes must be original and entirely new for this Games. You may not have used them previously for any other Writer Games.

After all tributes have been reserved, a new chapter will be published explaining the rules and regulations (as there are several changes), as well as listing the Gamemaker/ sponsors, and after all have been made, then we will begin the interview and training task! Isn't it exciting?

So without further ado, here is the form for your tributes:




Appearance: (as well as a link if you have one, but please provide adequate written description as well)


Three Traits: (this means anything that you feel might be beneficial to your tribute in the arena, strengths or skills)


Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour,

Alithia Warwell, President of Author_Games

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now