Interview With the Gamemakers

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Its that time of year again! The talk of the Capitol is once more firmly focused on the approaching Games. We here at 'The Odds' are desperate to find out all the behind-the-scenes dirt on the select few who make the Games what they are. So we sent our very own Nox Lingulaca, queen of Capitol gossip, to quiz the Gamemakers on their up-coming Games.

Prompt as always, Head Gamemaker Alithia Warwell is the first to arrive. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Alithia has a reputation for being a little.. shall we say... abrupt with the press. She strides into the room kitted out in her signature charcoal grey. Alithia doesn't abide by Capitol trends. I respect her for that. Her greeting is simple; straight to the point. Immediately is it not hard to see why the Captiol's beloved Vibius entrusted her with the title of President.

Nox: We all know Capitol citizens are renowned for their impeccable taste in names! Care to explain the meaning behind yours?

Alithia: Of course! Alithia means truth, and Warwell…well, I think it speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Needless to say I’m probably a bit stricter than Vibius was... [At this point in the interview Alithia flashes a glare.]

Nox: What type of tribute usually catches your attention?

Alithia: I’m not a fan of the tributes who seem to have an endless life of catastrophe and pain. But a tribute who can stay strong in any circumstance, who can do what they have to do and not let it break them down…that is the sort of tribute who I want to see as winner of the Games. Careers or not, I know a good tribute when I see them, and if they can live up to my expectations, they can expect my favour.

Nox: Can you talk about that one defining moment when you knew you wanted to be a Gamemaker?

Alithia: No, because it doesn’t exist. I was asked because Vibius thought I’d be capable; I definitely never expected to be made his successor. Next question. [I'm almost certain Alithia mutters under her breath: 'Are we nearly done yet? Some of us have important things to be doing…']

Nox: If you could recommend to the tributes one Capitol food to try before the arena, what would it be?

Alithia: As much of it as they can, whatever it is. Food in the arena may be sparse. Do I have to recommend something? Really? Oh. In that case, definitely try the roast beef [health and safety; all Capitol beef is 100% District Ten beef], as it will provide you with plenty of protein and it doesn't taste that bad either.

Nox: Some cannot live without their life and some cannot life without their soul. What is the one thing you cannot live without?

Alithia: What a ridiculous way to phrase that. Obviously nobody can live without life. Oh, okay, I’ll answer. Good question. I cannot live without knowing that, whatever happens, the sun will always rise again.

Kahve bounds into the room like a ray of sunshine. He flashes his trademark one-thousand-watt smile and shakes my hand with zeal. There is something immediately friendly and comforting about him. I was greatly looking forward to interviewing Kahve. After all, he does make a living out of chatting!

Nox: We all know Capitol citizens are renowned for their impeccable taste in names! Care to explain the meaning behind yours?

Kahve: Oh, well this actually somewhat humiliating. Everyone always assumes my name has some glorious meaning behind it, however this isn't the case. My father had become greatly intoxicated whilst my mother was in labor, which is why my name is Turkish for 'Coffee and Scones'.

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