Quarter Finals - Memory Lane - Males

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[Gamemakers' note: We would like to reiterate that any views shown within the entries are not ours and belong to the tributes who portray them]

District One - Apollo Leier

 My mind couldn't forget about the figures, the pain of loneliness, I looked around, making sure Coral and Vixen were still here, even for the short amount of time we had left. There was eight of us, how soon before this was all a memory, or before we were nothing but a memory? Focusing on Vixen, who sat beside me, I remembered what he had said after his own fog-induced hallucination and decided to ask him about it, since it seemed to be nagging at his mind, evident in his facial expression.

"Why don't you want to go home?" I whispered quietly, just loud enough that we were the only two who could hear us, except probably the Capitol cameras.

Vixen turned and looked up at me with wide, scared eyes, "My sister, she scares me..."

"Isn't she your twin? Why would she scare you?" my eyebrows fell together in a look of confusion as I waited for him to answer, after a moment he did, so quietly I had to strain to hear.

"My sister always wants the spotlight, and I normally didn't care, but she thinks I want the spotlight... We used to have cats, we found them, twins, I kept Jingle, and she kept the other, Jewel, her cat didn't last very long. She killed it, just because she wanted to get the attention, and I think she wants to kill Jingle too, if she hasn't already...."

A tear slid down Vixen's cheek and I put my arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer to me as he continued.

"Comet- that's her name- she is older, and she never wants me to have friends, she likes to control people, including me, and if I survive, I'll be the Victor, which would overshadow her, and she- she"

His tears came in streams now, his breath coming in a gulping panic, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, trying to calm him. Once he was, he finished.

"She would do anything for people to notice her, I don't want to be near her, she even haunts me in the arena, maybe she doesn't want me to go home, maybe then she will get all the attention to herself..." at this point he falls silent and I let him, not wanting to make him upset again.

I glance over as Coral walks back into camp, confused once again I ask her where she was.

"Well, while you two had a bonding moment, Elmo got into camp, I had to chase him down," I swallowed and was about to ask if he was dead when she nodded, answering my unasked question.

She sat down on the opposite side of me, and rested her back against the ruins behind us. There was almost 24 hours left in our alliances, then who would survive?

District Three - Gizmo Glitch

"Gizmo! Rule number seventeen; no going batty and seeing bats everywhere!" Teal screams, and I don't feel the need to say there are flies all around, not bats.

"Gizmo, you don't have to listen to her. She's spewing more bullshit than the rear end of a male cow," the new girl - who I have often heard Teal refer to as the blonde b-word- argues. I wonder which b word she means. Brain? Blue? Brilliant? No, definitely not brilliant.

Batty? No matter what Teal says, I'm not going batty. She is obviously the one going crazy because she doesn't see the flies. I've named them all, but I can't recognize which is which, so the names are useless. Besides, they often seen to merge into one big cloud anyways.

"You see them, right? I'm not going batty?" I ask the "blonde b-word" and she stutters something I can't hear and looks away.

"Gizmo! Don't you remember rule number five? Teal is always - "

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