Semi Finals - Variations on a Theme - Coral Beaudelaire

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District Four - Coral Beaudelaire

I don't believe in religion. My great, great, great grandmother always went to church, which was still an opinion before the Rebellion. She would carry a little red book around and get all dressed up, just to go and pray with a group of people. After the Rebellion, churches crumbled, religion died out. After great, great, great grandmother Rose died, so did Beaudelaire religion.

With all that said, I must admit that I do believe their is something out there that controls your destiny. Sea always blabs on about how people control their own destiny, but it isn't true. I have a better idea of what makes the thoughts in your head; wheels. Everyone in the world has a giant wheel, one with their name written in gold. Every action, every thought that you will ever to think, or do is written on this wheel. And everyone has their own personal wheel-spinner. Mine is named Fairy. When Fairy spins the wheel, she stops it on a certain thought, and I think it. Even Uncle Rick told me I was crazy after telling him my theory. I call it, the Wheel of Fortune. Sure, Wheel of Destiny sounds better, but Wheel of Fortune is more original...

I haven't told Bliss yet about Fairy. I don't think I ever will. Bliss is a great friend, but there aren't enough of us left to make friends. Everyone is on their own, even in an alliance. I named her wheel-spinner Daisy. Short and sweet. About an hour ago, Daisy spun Bliss' wheel, and it feel upon her having to sleep. And that is exactly what she is doing. I had to abandon Vixen. He had fallen asleep after spilling his guts about his sister, and I bolted at first chance.

A chilling sort of silence covered the arena, and I shivered. There was nothing to do but wait. "Try hard my darlings...and may the odds be ever in your favour!" The words had been swirling around my mind for hours. I had given up identifying the Gamemaker who said it a long time ago.

Try hard, she said. Try hard to do what? Exhaustion and anger and fear and every other emotion has pumped through me. It was as if the Wheel of Fortune was stuck on every emotion. The 'spidery feeling' as I have named it, has failed to leave. It was just me and my emotions.

Glancing down at the sleeping figure of my only ally, I grabbed the weapon from where I had dropped it, and stalked off, my angry at an all time high. Forget fear and exhaustion. I was determined to get this over with once and for all. My heart pounded against my chest, my breath coming out in angry huffs. The next tribute I saw was going to endure the most violent and painful death the Hunger Games had ever seen.

I mentally cursed Fairy for making me so upset. I was hoping for a drama free time in the Arena, waiting until the others destroy themselves without my help. Of course, Fairy never spun the wheel in my favor when I wanted her to. She was odd like that.

Silence surrounded me as I stealthily moved though the hills. Suddenly, I saw it. It was a tiny burst of color, hardly enough for me to see. With a sudden burst of courage, I let down my silent guard and chased after the color. It was a dark green color, just dark enough to be different than the grass. As soon as I started running the color froze, and turned towards me. It was young boy, the crazy one. Gizzy? His eyes widened in shock when he noticed me, and he turned away, bolting from the spot.

I smiled. I could out run him any day. The trident slowed me down slightly, but I managed to beat him to the Cornucopia. He looked around, assuming he was safe as I pressed myself against an arch, my one hiding spot. His breathing was rough, and he collapsed down on the ground, panting. Then, silence. It was like a horror film. 

I urged myself to move, but Fairy kept me locked in place. He was on the ground, perfect time to kill. After ten long seconds, I revealed myself to the boy. He looked up, his face twisting together in fear. Gizzy tried to push himself away from me, but I had trapped him. I had won.

"Any last words?" I asked innocently, my smile twisted evilly. He shook his head, watching the trident that was a mere inches from his chest. 'Do it! Now!' Fairy practically screamed the words, and I brought the trident down. I kept my eyes closed, trying not to see the body of the boy. I expected noise, blood, something.

Impatiently, I opened my eyes, and looked down. My trident was still inches away from the boy, and he was still looking at me. Every inch of my body screamed at me to kill him, but I couldn't. "Not this time, Fairy." I said to no one, and without looking back at Gizzy, I bolted.

My legs kept going until they felt like jelly. Panting, I collapsed on the ground, my body shaking with fear. I almost killed an innocent boy, one that didn't deserve it. Just because a tiny voice in my head told me to.

"You should have killed him when you had the chance." The voice was unrecognizable, and I couldn't even be sure it wasn't in my head. I looked up to see who had spoken when pain took over my body. With a moan, I closed my eyes, wishing it would stop. Shock froze my body, a hot, searing pain covering me. I let out a weak breath.

I was at the end. The end of my song. The end of my story. The Wheel of Fortune had finally run out.

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