Task One - Interviews - Females

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District One - Diamond Fabulo

"This is it, Diamond. Your moment to shine." I whisper to myself as I wait backstage for my name to be called. As the District 1 female tribute, I'm first up for the interviews, which is perfectly fine by me. The first tribute always stands out to the audience, every other interview for the rest of the night is compared to the first one. Me.

"Introducing, Diamond Fabulo!" I can already hear the crowd cheering and I'm not even out there yet!

I take a deep breath, adjust the top of my dress, and with a graceful flip of my hair I walk out onto the stage.

I smile brightly and wave to the audiance. I walk slowly and gracefully, letting the people get a good look at my dress. My stylist did a fabulous job designing a dress that was simply... Well, simply me! It's long, strapless and flowing, but it hugs my curves just enough to show off my fantastic figure. The neckline plunges daringly low-- just the way I like it-- and the skirt is split all the way up the side, showing off my legs nicely.

I do a quick twirl, allowing the spotlight to hit the silver dress just right, flashing a rainbow across the crowd. The cheers double and I blow the crowd a kiss before taking my seat across from Kahve.

"That's some dress you have there, Diamond!" Kahve began, his lips stretching into his signature white-toothed grin.

"Yes, it's marvelous, isn't it?" I smile back with pearly whites of my own. "My stylist said the threads of the fabric mimic the facets in a diamond. When the light it's it at the right angle..." I twisted in my seat and the crowd ooh'd and ah'd. "It makes a rainbow." I giggle.

"Marvelous!" Kahve agrees, then get's down to business. "Let's face it Diamond, there's always someone back home! Whether it's a brother, girlfriend, mother, or even just a friend. Tell me, who's waiting for you back home?"

I straighten up, brushing a loose strand of dark hair behind my ear. "My parent's are looking forward to my return. After all, who will take over Fabulo Fashions when they retire?"

Kahve made a face of surprise, "What? A stunning young woman like you doesn't have a boyfriend?"

"Oh please, Kahve!" I giggle again, "No one in District One is up to my standards!" I wink playfully at the crowd and once again they erupt into cheers. Oh I'm so proud of myself!

Kahve laughs goodnaturedly then leans in closer, like we are about to share a secret. "Everyone has a story, what's yours?"

"Oh nothing special really," I shrug, "I'm just the soul heir to the number one fashion industry in all of Panem. I hope to one day follow in the footsteps of my parents and take over the family business, or maybe pursue a career as a model."

Kahve nods thoughtfully, "A noble goal, Diamond." The audience shouts their agreement. "You seem very sure that you are going to come out of this thing on top." Kahve points out.

I smile and ever so slightly shift my body to flash another beautiful aray of color. "I'm optomistic, if that's what you mean. I feel that the odds are definately in my favor."

"Winning is a nice thing," Kahve agrees, "But it doesn't just happen. Have you got any tactics or stratagies you'd like to share?"

I shrug again and cross my legs, giving the audience a nice view of my bejewled pumps. "I'm a people person, but I'm no fighter. I hope you all will sponsor me and help me out when the games start!" I pout cutely out to the crowd, giving a little wave.

"I'm afraid to say that's all the time we have with you, my dear." Kahve frowns. He stands and extends a hand to help me to my feet. "Diamond Fabulo, everyone!" He cheers, smiling broadly.

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