Task Five - The Danger Inside

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The sound of the rain drumming relentlessly against the roof of your umbrella ceases long enough for you to deem it to be safe. You cast off your shelter and peer to upwards to catch the death toll blaring across the blackening sky.

 Merry Stake, Tristen Grain, Bo Meadows, Elias Uriah Pique

You respectfully gaze up at the last face, trying desperately not to imagine the disfigured remains of the former tribute. The picture fades and is replaced with the image of Pandora Kleio. In the growing pale moonlight she is given a spectral gleam.

“I’ve always found a melancholic beauty in history…” Her tone of voice is instantly surprising. You find your ears straining to pick up the serene hush of her whisper. There seems to be a genuine earnestness to her expressions that is captivating and unsettling at the same time. “… These moors hold history in abundance. If you listen carefully, you can almost hear the stories to be told. And listen you must. I’m afraid my colleague has left a bit of a mess…”

Pandora’s words are proved to be true. A mist has began to rise above the moors, tainted with a purple hue from the perfumes. It starts by creeping amongst the heather before rising alarmingly fast. In mere moments it is impossible to see a hand held in front of your face. Your alliance is nearby. You know they are. But when you call out no one seems to answer. Now all that is to be heard is the faint howl of wind. When Pandora speaks again it feels as if she is whispering directly into your ears.

“I wouldn’t worry about the mist. It is perfectly harmless in this form. There are more pressing matters to occupy your concern now…”

In the corner of your eye you notice an oddity. A swirl of silver mist glides through the hues of violet and appears to be slinking towards you. It gathers into a shadowy blur of a figure. In complete isolation you are left to face the spectre. It soon becomes apparent that this ghostly figure is a former tribute…


In the blur of the mist the ghost approaches. It begins to mimic your worst fear in the arena (Use your imagination – it can be a way of dying, an accident, an emotion, an experience e.t.c.). There is no way to escape this figure. As the mist thickens the hallucination only becomes more intense and sinister. You can try to run away but you will not get too far. You cannot hear your alliance. You are alone and absolutely terrified. It is only when you feel you can bear no more that the mist clears instantly. You adjust your eyesight to find the concerned members of your alliance attempting to calm you…

- While you temporarily lose your alliance, you MUST find them again by the end of the task.

- NO deaths occur during the task. However please send the name of ONE alliance by secret ballot in a separate PM.

- Word Limit – 1250 words. Please do not exceed this limit!

- The last to hand in will continue to receive an additional death. You might be beginning to notice: we aren’t particularly fond of late entries!

- Deadline is 21:00, Monday 29th April (GMT as ever)

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now