District Three - Male - Gizmo Glitch - DEAD

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Name: Gizmo Glitch

Age: 12

District: Three

Appearance: The first time you look at Gizmo, the only thing you notice is that he is one of the rare people in Three who is not wearing glasses. His bright blue eyes are completely unobstructed, which allows people to see the tears that are constantly falling. Gizmo has short mousy brown hair, and a face that seems much less innocent than it should for a thirteen year-old. His tiny body is often slouched over, as if he had already given up on the world ten times over.

Personality: According to many people in District Three, Gizmo is glitchy; he rarely manages to do the required work, and often just stares absently into space as tears drip down his eyes. According to his friends - never mind, Gizmo has no friends. His family assumes they never see him happy because he hates them, so they try their best to pamper him and show how much they love him, though that doesn't change much. In reality, the boy is barely more than an empty shell. Gizmo's apathy has gone so far that it has driven his mother to depression. After all, the worst thing for a mother to think is that her son hates her.

Three Traits: Intelligent, quick-witted, agile

Token: Despite his mother's desperate pleads for Gizmo to bring something to remind him of her, Gizmo simply picked up a bolt from the ground, as he apparently enjoyed playing with it.

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now