Task Five - The Danger Inside - Females

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District One - Diamond Fabulo

Finally the rain stopped, and Piper, Solum, and I heaved a collective sigh of relief. 

"We should keep the umbrella's up a little longer," Piper said. "Just to make sure the Gamemakers aren't tricking us or something."

"Right." I agreed. 

We sat there for a little while longer, then the anthem began and we decided it was safe. We dropped our umbrellas to the side and silently watched as face after face appeared in the darkening sky.

 Merry Stake, Tristen Grain, Bo Meadows, Elias Uriah Pique.

I did a quick mental count. There were eleven of us left. Only eleven. 

The last face fades from view and is replaced by Pandora Kleio. She speaks to us in a calm whisper, which I'm not gonna lie, scares the sugar out of me. I strain my ears to pick up what she's saying, but her cryptic talk isn't really sonething I want to hear in the dark. Especially not when this creepy fog is rolling in.

The fog suddenly moves lightening fast, and I'm surrounded. "Piper! Piper!" I call. No reply. "Solum!" No reply. Panicked, I feel the ground around where I'm sitting. They were right there only a moment ago. 

I stand up. "Piper! Solum!" I shout. I want to walk and look for them, but I can't bring myself to move. 

"I wouldn't worry about the mist." I jump. Pandora sounds like she's speaking directly into my ear, her voice still an eerie whisper. "It's perfectly harmless in this form. There are more pressing matter's to occupy your concern now..." 

A shiver runs down my spine and Pandroras voice vanishes. The anthem plays in closing, but it's warped and distorted and menicing. 

"P-Piper! Solum!" I shout again, arms wrapped around myself for confort. This is not an enjoyable experience!

And then through the mist I see an approaching form. Definately female. 

"Oh, Piper, Thank goodness! I was getting really freaked out!" I laugh nervously as I stumble toward her through the mist.

Almost immediately something seems off. "Piper..?" I repeat, a little less sure. 

Then the ghostly female comes into better view. 

"No way..." I murmur, taking a few steps back. Amaranth, the tiny little Capitol female. It can't be! She was killed during a training accident! 

I had completely forgoten about her. Sure she had suffered a horrific death, but once the Games started, she completely disappeared from my thoughts. Invisible. Forgotten and invisible. 

"Forgotten.... Invisible..." Amaranth repeats my thoughts in a robotic tone. "Forgotten... Invisible..." And then her appearence changed. She got taller, her hair got darker and wavier, and suddenly I was face to face with.... Me. 

"W-what's happening!" I cry, stumbling backwards until I trip. I fall flat on my butt but continue to slide backwards. "What is this!"

"Forgotten... invisible... I will be forgotten! I am invisible!" The phantom Diamond chanted, moving ever closer. 

A cannon boomed, causing me to jump, and in the foggy sky was my picture.



My emotionless picture hung in the sky until my face vanished from view. An empty box where a tribute should be. The name changed.


Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now