Task Three - Friends! - Males

166 8 4

District One - Apollo Leier

Did not hand in.

District Two - Xavier Waven

Did not hand in.

District Three - Gizmo Glitch

The girl from Eleven won't stop talking. "Did I tell you about the time I tried to get a pet tracker jacker?" Teal asks, bobbing up and down. How she can do that constantly and not get tired, I can't imagine. But I wish she'd stop.

"Is that the story you told all of Panem during interviews?" I ask, and she pouts. I'm guessing it is. Now she looks like she's about to cry. People do that when they're upset. You're supposed to comfort people when they're upset. I don't know how to do that. Which means I need a distraction.

Somewhere behind me, Xavier is doing absolutely nothing productive. I think he might be moping. Either way, it's doing absolutely nothing to help me.

"Ooh, look! A squirrel!" I shout, and cross my fingers that Teal falls for it. Luckily for me, she squeals and runs around, trying to chase the imaginary creature.

Instead, she runs right into the girl from Ten. The one with the sword. Great.

Teal raises her axe and blocks her opponent's sword, then tries telling her about the squirrel she was trying to find. Apparently she's always wanted a pet squirrel named Buttons. Bo doesn't seem impressed, and neither do her allies from over the hill.

"Xavier," I say, and he turns his head. Good, now I can ask my question; you're supposed to make sure people are listening before you speak. Teal doesn't, but I think she doesn't mind listening to herself. "The three of us are partners, right?" He nods. "Then help me save her."


"Because if you don't, I don't mind sacrificing you as a distraction. Besides, would you really want to be evil and let a - " I hesitate on the world a little bit " - friend die?" He shakes his head and runs to battle the girl from his district. I'm faced with a weaponless boy whose name and district I don't know.

He stares at me, a blank look on his face, and I raise my stone.

"My foe raises a rock

High up in the air

On my head it'll go tock!

Oh no, I am so scared."

I don't understand why he is speaking in verse, and it's annoying me. So I lower the rock onto his temple - except I do it fast - and his head begins to bleed.

"Blood gushes from my skull,

Flooding to my eye

Like water in a ship's hull.

And like the ship, I'll die."

He is struggling to keep his eyes open, and I feel an urge to know his name. I don't understand it, but I follow it. "What's your name? And why do you speak in verse?"

"They call me Merry

Though my situation isn't as much.

The world needs beauty, and poetry

Adds that small touch."

And he closes his eyes, and I start to cry. He's right, really. Three cannons sound, and I begin to cry.

We shouldn't be eliminating beauty.  

District Four - Marine Scales

I watch as the faces come off of the screen. Six died in the bloodbath and then Luna and Birch died from a training incident so now there is a total of twenty tributes left.

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now