Task Four - Spring Cleaning - Females

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District One - Diamond Fabulo

 "And then... I had to cut my fantabulous hair!"

"And I thought YOU were annoying..." Piper muttered from my side, a small smile playing on her lips.

Piper and I had formed a strange, fragile friendship thanks to this forced alliance thing. Who would have guessed that I, Diamond Fabulo, could actually get along with a tribute from District Three of all places!

"Don't you think it's tragic?" Solum asked. I hadn't been listening to him so I was confused.

"What's tragic?" Piper asked just as I opened my mouth to say the same thing.

"The death of my beautiful hair of course!" Solum cried.

I'm not exactly sure how Solum suddenly landed in our little group, but he's here now none the less. "Tragic." I repeated unenthusiastically. I always thought that I would get along wonderfully with Capital people, but I guess not. Solum is a bit annoying, seeing as all he's talked about in the twenty minutes he's been an ally is his hair.

Piper twirled her little knife around in her hands.

"If only, if only" She muttered and I hid my smile behind my hands. It was nice to have a friend now. But the fact that this friendship can't possibly last makes it a little less nice.

"So what are we suppo-" Solum's question trailed off when the anthem begins to play.

The faces of the fallen, tinged with red from thr sunset, flash slowly before us: Xavier Waven, Devin Chiffon, Maia Trillium, and finally Marine Scales and Tyler Palmer. I stole a glance over at Solum to see him staring intently at the grass, ignoring the eyes of his two fallen alliance members.

I felt a pang of sympathy for the strange Capital boy, and when the last face faded I spoke up. "Hey, Solum, I--"

"Now, now!" Vinella's shrill voice, made louder through speakers hidden somewhere in the arena, made me jump.

She continued talking, but I ignored her, choosing instead to reshape my manicure. I was irritated with the fact that Vinella not only scared me, but inturrupted me as well. I'm not the kind of person to be sympathetic, so when I choose to be, people should know better than to cut me off! Hm, it looks like I broke the nail on my left index finger. Shame.

Anyway, I made a point of tuning Vinella out. If she was saying anything important, Piper could tell me after.

That worked just fine until suddenly I was being pelted by raindrops. With a huff, I shove my nail file into my boot and look up at Vinella's doll-like face as she continues to speak.

She's giving us some spiel about herbal soaks or something, and on a normal day (You know, when I'm not in an arena of death) I would have loved to listen to it. But right now, not so much.

Well all of a sudden Piper is very interested and she elbows me sharply to get my attention, which results in a hiss from all three of us. "Are you listening?" She questions, her eyes wide and urgent. "Do you think our windbreakers can protect us from chemicals?"

Okay, now sounds like a good time to tune in.

"Best find shelter then, hadn't we..?" And with a wink Vinella pops a strawberry in her mouth and the sky is empty again.

Oh crap. Maybe ignoring her wasn't the greatest idea I've ever had... "What are we taking shelter from?" I asked. Piper and Solum were already on their feet when I turned around. I stood as well, quickly dusting the dead grass off my pants. "Guys... What are we taking shelter from?!" I repeated a bit more panicked. My eyes darted around us, looking for a mutt to spring out at us or something along those lines.

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