Task Three - Friends!

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As night falls, a cold wind begins to whip around the arena. The moon can just be seen trying to force its way through the thick cloud and failing miserably.

Even the anthem, when it finally plays to signal the turn of the day, sounds slightly damp.

As usual, it is followed by the faces of the fallen, those who died in the bloodbath:

Shay without-a-last-name, Akiya Uri, Fern Espalior, Hyde Link, Thicketrose Nightlock and Amaranth Oceania Myrdith.

Another face follows them, but it isn’t the face of a tribute. It’s President Alithia Warwell and, surprisingly, she’s smiling.

Well, it’s lovely to see you all getting along! she exclaims, I agree; it’s hard to find comfort in a world like this. My ancestral home is not an easy place to live. A little companionship can shield from the harshest wind and a friendly face light up the endless grey skies…almost. I don’t blame you for seeking friends, allies. However!

You look around at your surroundings. The ruin crumbles nearby, but apart from that there’s no landmarks, nothing you can use to find your way. There are no paths, no signposts, nothing but the hills and the heather. The word endless is right. The sky is darkening quicker than it does at home.

Somewhere, another tribute must react, because Alithia nods.

Yes, there’s a however. What, you thought I just appeared here for a chat? No, I’m here to congratulate Pandora on her excellent bloodbath, and to explain why it’s suddenly getting dark, and why your hand should be hurting right…about…now.

Right on cue, a searing pain rips through your hand and your surroundings go completely black.

There’s a pause while everybody panics, and then a clicking noise and Alithia’s voice saying, That should be long enough. Lights on, and enjoy your new friends! Pay close attention to the names on the back of your hand because every injury they sustain will be sustained by you too. But beware; the others are still close by.

The screen snaps off and the lights come back, leaving you free to examine your new companions and the names scrawled onto the back of your hand.


- Your alliance must kill off one other alliance. It will be to your advantage to discuss this with the other members of your alliance. At the end of your entry, please put the number of the alliance you killed.

- As well as the alliance, please provide us with another two names for your ballot deaths. These CANNOT be your new allies, but can be anybody else. Think carefully about them; they will make a difference.

- If your tribute wants to find a discarded weapon on the floor so they no longer have to use rocks (or mushrooms), it’s at your own discretion. The Gamemakers won’t complain.

- Please don’t meet up with your old alliance members unless you’re going to kill them.

- Word Limit: 1,500 words.

- As well as the usual benefit of being able to ask your sponsors for assistance, sponsored tributes may have another 250 words.

- If you do not hand in, you go up for votes. Entries are due at 8PM GMT, Thursday 18th April. No lateness. The last person to hand in gets a +1 death penalty.

- Alliances will be posted on the next page. A lot of thought went into them, so please respect that and don’t complain.

- If anything about this isn’t clear enough for you to understand, please ask. Politely. And if that’s too hard for you, don’t bother asking at all.

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now